[def languages template-param("languages")] [if languages = null] [def languages "no-en"] [def noRoot "/"] [def enRoot "/english"] [elseif languages = "en-no"] [def noRoot "/norwegian"] [def enRoot "/"] [elseif languages = "no" || languages = "en"] [def noRoot "/"] [def enRoot "/"] [endif] [def noTitle resource-prop(noRoot, "title")] [def enTitle resource-prop(enRoot, "title")] [def no-visual-profile resource-uri-aspect(noRoot, "visual-profile")] [def no-visual-profile-navigation no-visual-profile.navigation] [def no-responsible-for-this-page-email no-visual-profile.responsible-for-this-page-email] [def en-visual-profile resource-uri-aspect(enRoot, "visual-profile")] [def en-visual-profile-navigation en-visual-profile.navigation] [def en-responsible-for-this-page-email en-visual-profile.responsible-for-this-page-email]
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