Vilk?r for bruk av Mattermost-tjenesten

Alle som bruker Mattermost ved UiO m? akseptere tjenestens bruksvilk?r.

Terms of Use

Welcome to the Mattermost chat service at UiO! Before using our services, please accept our Terms of Use: 

Information about you

We are collecting your name, username and email address as a part of the onboarding process. Your data will be processed in accordance with University of Oslo's data processing policies: /english/about/regulations/privacy-declarations/ 

Code of Conduct

Maintain a friendly tone in your communication in channels and direct chats, and make sure that all communication, collaboration, and sharing of documents are in accordance with UiO's current classification, storage, and sharing guidelines.

Be aware of whether the teams and channels you are a member of are approved for red data (confidential information) or only green and yellow data (up to restricted). UiO's classification guide also applies to data stored in plugins/services within Mattermost, such as Boards, Todo, and Playbooks etc.

You shall not use Mattermost in violation of UiO’s IT regulations or other internal guidelines, applicable law, including storing criminal material on the services or material in conflict with intellectual property rights, using the services to perform or attempt to perform illegal or harmful actions against individuals, society, Mattermost, subcontractors, or the University of Oslo.

You are responsible for having the necessary approvals, having made necessary assessments, and having obtained necessary approval for the processing of personal data. Personal data must not be processed in the Mattermost in violation of the necessary assessment, approval, recommendation, and/or ethical evaluation.

Data Retention

All teams and channels are subject to retention policies, and messages are automatically deleted when they reach the due date. 

  • For teams related to teaching, all postings older than 6 months are deleted
  • For teams related to projects, postings are deleted when the project is completed
  • For teams related to organizational units etc., we start by setting up deletion of postings older than 24 months

Account Deletion

If you don't log in to the Mattermost service at UiO for a longer duration of time, you risk that your account and messages are deleted.

Mattermost Acceptable Use Policy

Mattermost's own Acceptable Use Policy for the software also applies:

More information

For more information about Mattermost at UiO, please visit: /english/services/it/phone-chat-videoconf/chat/mattermost/

Publisert 20. juni 2024 14:36 - Sist endret 20. juni 2024 23:20