Eksempel for bruker trondham. Brukernavnet i Koji skal samsvare med brukernavnet p? UiO.
1???Legge til i Koji
Legg til brukeren i Koji. Gj?res p? koji.uio.no:
[root@koji ~]# sudo -u kojiadmin koji add-user trondham Added user trondham (4)
2???Generere SSL-sertifikater
Dette gj?res som root p? koji.uio.no. F?rst cd til riktig katalog og sett noen variable:
[root@koji ~]# cd /etc/pki/koji [root@koji koji]# user=trondham [root@koji koji]# caname=koji
Lag en 2048-bits privat n?kkel:
[root@koji koji]# openssl genrsa -out certs/${user}.key 2048 Generating RSA private key, 2048 bit long modulus ........................+++ ..........................+++ e is 65537 (0x10001)
Lag sertifikat. Her skal "Common Name" v?re brukernavnet, og "Email Address" skal v?re <brukernavn>@ulrik.uio.no. For alle andre verdier skal man velge default (dvs. trykke ENTER):
[root@koji koji]# openssl req -config ssl.cnf -new -nodes -out certs/${user}.csr -key certs/${user}.key You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated into your certificate request. What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN. There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank For some fields there will be a default value, If you enter '.', the field will be left blank. ----- Country Name (2 letter code) [NO]: State or Province Name (full name) [Oslo]: Locality Name (eg, city) [Blindern]: Organization Name (eg, company) [University of Oslo]: Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) [USIT]: Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname) [koji.uio.no]: trondham Email Address [unix-drift@usit.uio.no]: trondham@ulrik.uio.no Please enter the following 'extra' attributes to be sent with your certificate request A challenge password []: An optional company name []:
Enda mer sertifikater (FIXME). Her skal man svare y p? signering, og y p? commit:
[root@koji koji]# openssl ca -config ssl.cnf -keyfile private/${caname}_ca_cert.key -cert ${caname}_ca_cert.crt -out certs/${user}.crt -outdir certs -infiles certs/${user}.csr Using configuration from ssl.cnf Check that the request matches the signature Signature ok Certificate Details: Serial Number: 6 (0x6) Validity Not Before: Aug 26 13:24:06 2011 GMT Not After : Aug 23 13:24:06 2021 GMT Subject: countryName = NO stateOrProvinceName = Oslo organizationName = University of Oslo organizationalUnitName = USIT commonName = trondham emailAddress = trondham@ulrik.uio.no X509v3 extensions: X509v3 Basic Constraints: CA:FALSE Netscape Comment: OpenSSL Generated Certificate X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: C0:91:EA:7D:88:5B:29:0D:13:4C:DE:F2:74:30:C6:10:DF:EC:31:1F X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: keyid:CD:F7:17:95:46:F1:A7:D2:CE:BB:59:9D:21:E9:6E:B4:03:F9:70:C4 DirName:/C=NO/ST=Oslo/L=Blindern/O=University of Oslo/OU=USIT/CN=koji.uio.no/emailAddress=unix-drift@usit.uio.no serial:CC:C9:6F:41:6E:53:2A:0E Certificate is to be certified until Aug 23 13:24:06 2021 GMT (3650 days) Sign the certificate? [y/n]: y 1 out of 1 certificate requests certified, commit? [y/n] y Write out database with 1 new entries Data Base Updated
Lag s? et felles sertifikat for brukeren (FIXME):
[root@koji koji]# cat certs/${user}.crt certs/${user}.key > ${user}.pem
Lag PKCS12 user certificate (for web browser). Velg et passende passord, ikke for enkelt og ikke for vanskelig. Noter passordet, dette skal sendes brukeren sammen med sertifikatet:
[root@koji koji]# openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey certs/${user}.key -in certs/${user}.crt -CAfile ${caname}_ca_cert.crt -out certs/${user}_browser_cert.p12 Enter Export Password: Verifying - Enter Export Password:
3???Pakk filene sammen
Dette er en klipp og lim-oppskrift som forutsetter at variabelen "user" er satt som over:
cd /root/koji-user-certs mkdir koji-${user} cp /etc/pki/koji/${user}.pem koji-${user}/client.crt cp /etc/pki/koji/koji_ca_cert.crt koji-${user}/clientca.crt cp /etc/pki/koji/koji_ca_cert.crt koji-${user}/serverca.crt cp /etc/pki/koji/certs/${user}_browser_cert.p12 koji-${user}/ tar cvfz koji-${user}.tar.gz koji-${user} rm -rf koji-${user}
Dette resulterer i en fil koji-brukernavn.tar.gz. Denne sendes som vedlegg til brukeren.