Contractors and remote access

We use FUDO to give contractors access to the AV subnet so that they can do small changes to the programming and configuration.


As a contractor all you have to do is log on to using Remote Desktop with the user 'crestron-av' and the password you received from us ( Once you get access to the server you should find Toolbox, VisionTool Pro-e and SIMPL installed. There's also a folder under C:\Crestron Programmer\ where the Crestron programs and VT projects should be put. From this server you will have access to all the different AV subnets at the university. If you need software installed or have any questions please contact

NOTE: The remote session will be recorded and stored.

Av Vegard Korvald
Publisert 21. mars 2018 09:55 - Sist endret 1. nov. 2021 12:37