Kommende kurs - Side 6
Opplever du at filer du lagrer forsvinner sporl?st p? maskinen? ?nsker du ? vite hvor og hvordan man kan lagre data p? riktig vis? Forbereder du deg p? overgang til "skyen" og ?nsker oversikt over valgmulighetene? Da er dette kurset for deg.
Panopto er et kraftig nytt undervisningsverkt?y som ?ker kvaliteten p? videoopptak og gj?r det enklere for studentene ? delta i undervisning p? nett.
Trenger du ? administrere et team i Microsoft Teams og ?nsker ? l?re mer om dette? Da er dette kurset for deg.
Zotero is a smart reference and research tool suitable for collaboration. In this workshop, you will learn how to collect, organize, and share your bibliographies, cite as you write, and mark up and annotate your research material.
Trenger du hjelp til ? komme i gang med Teams, eller bare oppfriske litt kunnskaper?
Panopto er et kraftig nytt undervisningsverkt?y som ?ker kvaliteten p? videoopptak og gj?r det enklere for studentene ? delta i undervisning p? nett.
Skal du begynne ? bruke RT og ?nsker ? f? maksimalt utbytte av RT som et saksbehandlingsverkt?y?
Software Carpentry offers workshops for fundamental coding and data skills needed to conduct research.
Mottar du mye phishing-svindel p? e-post og syns det er vanskelig ? avgj?re om det er troverdige henvendelser eller ikke? Bruker du det samme passordet i alle tjenestene du logger deg inn i? Eller savner du rett og slett en generell innf?ring i informasjonssikkerhet p? arbeidsplassen?
NVivo is a complex software for qualitative research that can be used to code text, sound, image, and video. Learn how to code and retrieve, and visualize coded material.
NVivo er en kompleks programvare for kvalitativ forskning som blant annet kan brukes til ? kode tekst, lyd, bilde og video. L?r ? kode og hente ut, og visualisere kodet materiale.
Mentimenter gj?r det enklere for studentene ? gi tilbakemelding i l?pet av undervisningen og engasjere seg aktivt under forelesninger og gruppetimer.
Do you want, or need, to learn Python programming for your research, but have no, or little, previous knowledge? Do you want to refresh your basic skills in Python programming? Or, do you want your team members to learn Python? If yes, then this workshop is for you and/or your team!
Data Carpentry develops and teaches workshops on the fundamental data skills needed to conduct research. Its target audience is researchers who have little to no prior computational experience, and its lessons are domain-specific, building on learners' existing knowledge to enable them to quickly apply skills learned to their own research.
Software Carpentry aims to help researchers get their work done in less time and with less pain by teaching them basic research computing skills.
Join us for the CodeRefinery workshop September 19-21, and 26-28 from 9:00-13:30, via Zoom!
Software Carpentry aims to help researchers get their work done in less time and with less pain by teaching them basic research computing skills.
NVivo is a complex software for qualitative research that can be used to code text, sound, image, and video. Learn how to code and retrieve, and visualize coded material.
NVivo er en kompleks programvare for kvalitativ forskning som blant annet kan brukes til ? kode tekst, lyd, bilde og video. L?r ? kode og hente ut, og visualisere kodet materiale.
Have you ever returned to an analysis in R and can’t remember which scripts you need to run and in what order to make things work? Do you want to speed up your analyses with parallelization? Do you want to ensure other people can run your code? The {targets} R package can help!
The moment is here: you know your topic in and out, have read all the literature and are just one click away from finishing your essay! Maybe you’re lucky and have never seen the Bluescreen of Death, experienced file corruption, stared at the blank screen in rising panic because your brain was empty or written an essay that broke Microsoft Word. In which case, congratulations!
Then again, maybe you are still one of those people who just scribble down ideas and potentially useful literature references on whatever piece of paper is closest. Maybe you’ve spent hours trying to hunt down “Smith 2001, p 24” only to delete that really relevant quote from your essay because you don’t fancy being accused of plagiarising. Maybe Word keeps on messing with the images in your file or decided that your file is too big and corrupted too. In any of these cases, welcome to the club – this course is for you.
Data Carpentry develops and teaches workshops on the fundamental data skills needed to conduct research. Its target audience is researchers who have little to no prior computational experience, and its lessons are domain-specific, building on learners' existing knowledge to enable them to quickly apply skills learned to their own research.
Software Carpentry aims to help researchers get their work done in less time and with less pain by teaching them basic research computing skills.
Software Carpentry offers workshops for fundamental coding and data skills needed to conduct research.
In this workshop we will make use of, and expand our collective knowledge of the Unix shell by sharing commands, shortcuts, etc. amongst the participants.