AI lounge: Bio-Inspired Robotics @ UiO

Welcome to this new AI Lounge. We are happy to present two new interesting presentations.

Poster about the AI lounge (pdf).

Coffee, tea and cookies will be served. 

Looking forward to seeing you!

AI and Machine Learning at the Robotics and Intelligent Systems group


Kai Olav Ellefsen will first give an overview of research into AI and Machine Learning at ROBIN, before diving into a few aspects that make AI research for robotics particularly challenging and how we apply biologically inspired techniques at ROBIN to make progress on open challenges.

by Kai Olav Ellefsen (UiO)


Kai Olav Ellefsen is an Associate Professor at the group of Robotics and Intelligent Systems (ROBIN) at the Department of Informatics, University of Oslo. He does research on biologically inspired techniques for building more robust and flexible intelligent agents.

Evolutionary Robotics: Automatic Design of Robot Bodies and Controllers


J?rgen Nordmoen will given an introduction to biologically inspired population based optimization, more specifically Evolutionary Algorithms. We will look at how these algorithms function and some of the success stories from the field.

by  J?rgen Nordmoen (UiO)


J?rgen Nordmoen is a PhD student at the group of Robotics and Intelligent Systems (ROBIN) at the Department of Informatics, University of Oslo. He does research into how Quality Diversity algorithms can improve on population based optimization and how this new class of algorithms can be applied to robotics.




Andrea Gasparini, Anne Schad Bergsaker and Thomas R?blitz
Tags: AI, machine learning, deep learning, USIT, ITF, UB, AI lounge
Published Oct. 14, 2019 1:57 PM - Last modified Oct. 14, 2019 2:58 PM