AI lounge: Natural Language Processing at NRK and IFI

Welcome to the fourth AI lounge at UiO! This time we have three very interesting presentations. Two from the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK) and one from the Language Technology Group (LTG) at IFI.

Poster about the AI lounge (pdf).

Coffee, the and cookies will be served. There will be time for discussion.

Looking forward to seeing you at the AI lounge.

Andreas Schj?nhaug

Andreas is a software developer in Schj?nhaug AS, and is currently working as a consultant at NRK.

Andreas will talk about how NRK use machine learning to transcribe interviews and how it's used in video production to make video editing easier.

Approx. 20 minutes


Erik Velldal & Lilja ?vrelid

Lilja and Erik are from the Language Technology Group at IFI and will talk about detecting the positive/negative polarity of text (so-called sentiment analysis) based on review articles published by, among others, NRK. 

Approx.15-20 minutes


Henrik Lied

Journalist and advisor in NRKbeta

Henrik will talk about text classification, solutions for CV, and some other plans and stuff NRK have in the pipeline.

Approx. 20-30 minutes





Andrea Gasparini, Anne Schad Bergsaker and Thomas R?blitz
Tags: AI, machine learning, NLP, LTG, NRK, deep learning, USIT, ITF, UB, AI lounge
Published Feb. 12, 2019 9:10 AM - Last modified Feb. 18, 2019 10:44 AM