Next week: Sociological Research Webinar on Nationalism and Populism

Dear all, 

Next week, the sociological research seminar goes digital!

We are arranging a webinar on contemporary nationalism and populism with two leading researchers in the field: Professor Rogers Brubaker and Professor Tariq Modood.

(Note: do not use the link provided on the web page to sign up, ISS-staff and students have a separate link)

For ISS-staff and students, please sign up in the link below.  If you want to be an active spectator - being able to ask questions or to give comments in the Q&A after the debate, please tick the corresponding box.  You will then receive a personal zoom-link later. 

Please sign up as soon as possible!


Best regards, 

?yvind and Inger

Publisert 19. mai 2020 10:54 - Sist endret 19. mai 2020 10:55