Lyst til ? v?re informant for en internasjonal studie av forskningsbasert undervisning i sosiologi?
ISS deltar i en internasjonal studie av forskningsbasert undervisning i sosiologi. Som et ledd i studien ?nsker de ? intervjue studenter p? bachelorprogrammet i sosiologi. Vi oppfordrer dere til ? delta i studien. Deltakere f?r et gavekort p? Akademika!
As a student in sociology you are being invited to take part in a research study on research and teaching in your discipline. This project explores the link between research and teaching, the two key missions of universities by comparing several national contexts.
To understand what ‘research’ means in teaching sociology I will visit several university departments in Germany, Hungary, England and Norway, to interview undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as academic staff.
You will be asked to discuss your experiences of studying sociology in Norway in a face-to-face interview would last between 45-60 minutes, organised at your convenience on your university campus between 27/04/2020 and 07/05/2020.
Some of the main questions explored in the interview are:
- What is research in sociology? What is the purpose of sociological research?
- Who sets the agenda for the research process in sociology, and who is involved in it?
- How, if at all, has your understanding of sociological research changed over time?
- Who is a sociologist and how does someone become one?
You will receive a gift voucher of the value of 300kr for Akademika bookstores to pay for your time spent on participating in this research.
Please find attached the participant information sheet and the consent form for this project with further information.
If you’re willing to participate, please use the following link to book an interview date and time; I will then arrange a convenient place for us to meet.
Please see the following information sheets;
Participant information sheet
Consent form
Privacy notice
Thank you very much for your help!
Dr Rita Hordósy
Nottingham Research Fellow