Nyhetsbrevet 13. januar // Newsletter 13 January
Faste lesesalsplasser for v?ren 2025 er fordelt
Lesesalsplasser for masterstudenter tildeles semester for semester. Som varslet i de to foreg?ende nyhetsbrevene er lesesalsplassene for v?ren 2025 n? fordelt.
De som ikke har f?tt forlenget plass har f?tt varsel om dette og m? rydde plassen i l?pet av de neste dagene. De som har f?tt plass for v?ren 2025 har ogs? f?tt beskjed om dette. Det er ogs? hengt opp nye oversikter over plassfordelingen p? d?rene.
?nsker du en plass er det enda noen plasser ledige i rom 231, som tildeles etter f?rstemann-til-m?lla-prinsippet ved henvendelse til studieinfo@media.uio.no
Meld deg p? Masterduellen!
Masterduellen er et arrangement for masterstudenter p? HF, hvor deltakerne f?r tre minutter til ? presentere sin masteroppgave p? best mulig vis. Hver deltaker kan ha med en rekvisitt, gjenstand eller effekt, men ikke mer enn man selv kan b?re. PowerPoint og andre digitale hjelpemidler er ikke tillat. En jury med tre dommere k?rer en vinner.
F?r arrangementet inviteres deltakerne til to formidlingsworkshoper der de f?r verkt?y og l?rer teknikker for ? bli dyktige formidlere.
Les mer her og meldt deg p? innen 14.februar!
Den ?rlige masterduellen - Det humanistiske fakultet
S?k Osloforskning-stipendet!
Osloforskning deler ut st?tte til masterstudenter som forsker p? og skriver om Oslo. Skriver du masteroppgave om et Oslo-relatert tema? Forsker du p? storbyen, Oslo? S?k Osloforskning-stipend!
Osloforskning er et 澳门葡京手机版app下载 mellom Oslo kommune og Universitetet i Oslo som skal bidra til ? fremme forskning og rekruttering til forskning som henter sitt tema fra Oslo.
Neste s?knadsfrist er 15. februar 2025!
For mer informasjon og s?knadsskjema g? til denne siden:
Demokratifrokost: Hvordan vinne et valg i 2025?
UiO:Demokrati inviterer til frokostm?te om trender innen politisk retorikk og kommunikasjon i forbindelse med valg. M? politikere v?re kjendiser for ? vinne valg? Er den politiske retorikken redusert til ? gj?re folk sinte p? TikTok? Lever vi i TiktTokratiet? Var valgene rett og slett bedre f?r?
IMK-professor Eli Skogerb? skal sitte i panelet.
Tid og sted: 23. jan. 2025 08:30 – 09:30, Scene Domus Bibliotheca
Demokratifrokost: Hvordan vinne et valg i 2025? - Universitetet i Oslo
Course: Personal data in research: Sikt-registration and data storage/sharing
Do you plan to use human participants or personal data in your research project? Learn about Sikt's notification form and get advice on consent forms, security measures and data storage.
Personal data in research: how to register your project with Sikt and store your data. Tuesday, 28th of January, 10:00 – 12:00, PAM seminar room 14
1. Personal data and a practical guide to the Sikt notification form (10:00 – 11:00)
Research projects can encounter personal data in many contexts, for example through interviews, questionnaires, social media posts or archival materials.
To ensure that the planned processing is in accordance with data protection legislation, all research projects that process personal data must send a notification form to Sikt, the Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education and Research (former NSD). We go through the different steps of the form and give hand-on advice.
2. Data storage and sharing at UiO (11:00 – 12:00)
Have you heard about TSD, Educloud, OneDrive or ‘storage hotel’? Do you plan on sharing your research data with your supervisor, using UiOs Dictaphone app, or use and encrypted flash drive?
All research data, like interview recordings, questionnaire data or drafts of your paper have to be stored somewhere. We present the storage solutions and sharing available at UiO, how to access them and which are suitable for what kind of project.
It is possible to participate in both parts of the course or just one of them. Registration and more information: Personal data in research: how to register your project with Sikt and store your data - Faculty of Humanities
Student s?ker mentor - s?knadsfrist 26.januar
Det s?kes dette semesteret mentor for en student som tar eller har tatt f?lgende emner:
MEVIT2110 – Medie- og kulturteori
EXFAC03 – MUS – Examen facultatum for musikkvitenskap
MUS2723 – Produksjon, geh?r og ut?vende musikk 4
Arbeidsoppgavene er ? gi veiledning i studieteknikk og v?re en faglig samtalepartner, ca 8 timer per uke. Mentor b?r ta samme emne(r), eller ha gjennomf?rt (noen av) emnene tidligere.
Arbeidet honoreres p? oppdragskontrakt med tilsvarende timesats, 250 kr/ timen.
Er du interessert – send ditt telefonnummer og noen f? ord om deg selv til tilrettelegging@admin.uio.no. Merk emnefeltet med ?HF-1?.
S?knadsfrist: 26. januar
Desks at study rooms for the spring 2025 have been allocated
Desks in our reading rooms for master's students are allocated semester by semester. As announced in the two previous newsletters, the reading room places for spring 2025 have now been distributed.
Those who have not been given an extension have been notified of this and must clear the space in the next few days. Those who have been given a place for spring 2025 have also been informed of this. Overviews of the space allocation have also been hung up on the doors.
If you want a place, there are still some places available in room 231, which are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis by contacting studieinfo@media.uio.no
Apply for the Osloforskning research grant!
Osloforskning supports master's students who research and write about Oslo. Are you writing a master's thesis on an Oslo-related topic? Are you researching the city of Oslo? Apply for an Osloforskning research grant!
Osloforskning is a collaboration between the municipality of Oslo and the University of Oslo that aims to contribute to promoting research and recruitment for research that derives its theme from Oslo.
The next application deadline is 15 February 2025!
For more information and the application form go to this page:
Course: Personal data in research: Sikt-registration and data storage/sharing
Do you plan to use human participants or personal data in your research project? Learn about Sikt's notification form and get advice on consent forms, security measures and data storage.
Personal data in research: how to register your project with Sikt and store your data. Tuesday, 28th of January, 10:00 – 12:00, PAM seminar room 14
1. Personal data and a practical guide to the Sikt notification form (10:00 – 11:00)
Research projects can encounter personal data in many contexts, for example through interviews, questionnaires, social media posts or archival materials.
To ensure that the planned processing is in accordance with data protection legislation, all research projects that process personal data must send a notification form to Sikt, the Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education and Research (former NSD). We go through the different steps of the form and give hand-on advice.
2. Data storage and sharing at UiO (11:00 – 12:00)
Have you heard about TSD, Educloud, OneDrive or ‘storage hotel’? Do you plan on sharing your research data with your supervisor, using UiOs Dictaphone app, or use and encrypted flash drive?
All research data, like interview recordings, questionnaire data or drafts of your paper have to be stored somewhere. We present the storage solutions and sharing available at UiO, how to access them and which are suitable for what kind of project.
It is possible to participate in both parts of the course or just one of them. Registration and more information: Personal data in research: how to register your project with Sikt and store your data - Faculty of Humanities
澳门葡京手机版app下载snytt fra IMK / Research news from IMK
Charles Ess was one of six scholars - along with Clifford G. Christians, Lillie Chouliaraki, Nick Couldry, Dana L. Cloud, and Tina M. Harris - chosen to be interviewed for the "Epilogue" of:
Pinchevski, A., Buzzanell, P.M., & Hannan, J. (Eds.). (2024). The
Handbook of Communication Ethics (2nd ed.). Routledge.
Charles’ particular comments are under the title "Ethical Judgment in the Age
of AI," in Pinchevski et al (2024), pp. 414-418.
Foredrag og presentasjoner:
16. januar holdt Espen Ytreberg foredraget ?? forst? Egedius med Transkribus?, ved forskningsseminaret "Hvordan l?re KI-modeller ? lese historisk norsk h?ndskrift?? i regi av Nasjonalbiblioteket.
Trine Syvertsen and Yukun You participated in the breakfast seminar on January 14 at Kristiania. There were presentations and a panel discussion about the book The Digital Backlash and the Paradoxes of Disconnection. https://www.kristiania.no/om-kristiania/kalender/digitale-paradokser---boklansering/
Trine Syvertsen gave a presentation Jan 9 at Filmens Hus for Medietrender 2025. Title: Det digitale tilbakeslaget: Er vi p? vei bort fra skjemene? https://kantar.no/medier/medietrender-2025/
Trine Syvertsen presented IMK research and the book The Digital Backlash and the Paradoxes of Disconnection at First Friday Coffee, 澳门葡京手机版app下载parken January 10.
Nyhetsbrevet 13. januar // Newsletter 13 January
Husk informasjonsm?te om praksis og utveksling 15.januar!
Informasjonsm?te om utveksling og praksis h?sten 2025 - Institutt for medier og kommunikasjon
15.januar blir det informasjonsm?te om praksis og utveksling i rom 205 kl. 14:15 - 15:30. Her f?r dere vite mer om b?de praksis og utveksling, prosessene for ? s?ke og det blir selvf?lgelig ?pent for ? stille sp?rsm?l om begge deler.
S?k om lesesalsplass for v?ren 2025 - frist 15.januar!
Lesesalsplasser for masterstudenter tildeles semester for semester. Masterstudenter som ?nsker fast lesesalsplass for v?ren 2025 m? s?ke om dette senest 15.januar. Vi tar sikte p? ? prioritere og besvare s?knadene senest fredag 17.januar.
Tildelte plasser for v?rsemesteret 2025 gjelder fra mandag 20.januar. Alle plasser m? v?re ryddet og klare til ? overtas innen dette tidspunktet.
S?k om fast lesesalsplass her: https://nettskjema.no/a/479900
Information meeting about practice and exchange 15 January
Informasjonsm?te om utveksling og praksis h?sten 2025 - Institutt for medier og kommunikasjon
On 15 January there will be an information meeting about practice placement and exchange in room 205 at 14:15 - 15:30. Here you will find out more about both practice placement and exchange, the processes for applying and ask questions about both.
Apply for permanent desk at study rooms for the spring 2025 - deadline 15 January
Desks for master's students in our designated study rooms are assigned semester by semester. Master's students who want a workspace in one of our study rooms must apply for this no later than 15th of January. Applications are then prioritized and answered by the end of Friday 17th of January. Assignment of desks for the spring semester 2025 applies from Monday 20th of January. All spaces must be cleared and ready to be taken over by this time.
Apply for a desk here: https://nettskjema.no/a/479900
澳门葡京手机版app下载snytt fra IMK / Research news from IMK
Kolltveit, Kristoffer & Rune Karlsen (2025) Radical or Aligned? Assessing Issue Congruence between Youth Wing Elites, Parliamentary Candidates and Voters in Norway. Party Politics. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/13540688241312372
Bucher, T. (2025). The Right to Silence: Intersections of Privacy and Silence in Networked Media. In S. O. S?e, T. Wiehn, R. F. J?rgensen, & B. Valtysson (Eds.), Beyond Privacy: People, Practices, Politics (pp. 61–76). Bristol University Press. https://doi.org/10.2307/jj.12348234.8
Skjuve, M., F?lstad, A., Dysthe, K. K., Br?nden, A., Boletsis, C., & Brandtz?g, P. B. (2025). Unge og helseinformasjon: ChatGPT vs. fagpersoner. (Young people and health information). Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning, 27(4), 1-17. https://doi.org/10.18261/tfv.27.4.2
Konferanser og presentasjoner
?yvind Ihlen har denne uken gjesteforelest jeg p? Chinese Universiy of Hong Kong, og presentert en keynote p? denne konferansen: https://conf60.com.cuhk.edu.hk/empowering-societal-change-through-public-relations-advancing-social-impact-in-sustainability-csr-and-esg-communication/
I media:
Brandtz?g, P.B., F?lstad, A. & Skjuve, M. (2025) Hvem gir unge "best" svar om mental helse? KI eller fagperson? Kronikk p? 澳门葡京手机版app下载.no. 09.01.2025. https://www.forskersonen.no/helse-kronikk-kunstig-intelligens/hvem-gir-unge-best-svar-om-mental-helse-ki-eller-fagfolk/2452053?fbclid=IwY2xjawHsk-xleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHa7zjO6IZ7f0ucLLVgbd7ck6o5rTYpvh8C1SRIAefI3-wcC-IGPfJd-IDQ_aem_CN_t8XBxTnco_HZWnr-zMw