P?g?ende og avsluttede masteroppgaver – Side 7

Sidetittel Publisert Student(er) Veileder(e)
MPI-3 for increased portability and performance 15. sep. 2014
Machine Learning for EV Power Demand Prediction 28. sep. 2018
  • Frank Eliassen,
  • Mohsen Vatani (IFE),
  • Jonathan Fagerstr?m (IFE),
  • Kari Espegren (IFE)
Machine Learning for Ontology Alignment 11. aug. 2017
Make Fake News Visible 3. apr. 2019
Managing Disruptive Technologies 15. nov. 2018
Mapping packet loss: Who is the real culprit? 4. okt. 2012
Mapping short sequences to a genome using a GPU 16. aug. 2013
Master projects in the DHIS2 Design Lab 17. aug. 2020
Matching large knowledge bases 16. nov. 2017
Natural Language Query Formulation 30. sep. 2013
Norwegian “State of the Estate” Open Dataset and Online Service 23. sep. 2014
  • arashk
Of mice and men 6. juni 2011
Of mice and men 3 24. mai 2013
Online collaborative design and development of apps for DHIS2 to support the use of health data 2. okt. 2020
OpenMP-4 and heterogeneous computing 3. okt. 2014
Oppgave som ogs? passer for deg som begynte master aug 2020: Klokke-app for ? minne om ? ta hjertemedisin 2. feb. 2021
Optimisation of Acknowledgements Handling for CMT-SCTP 19. sep. 2012
Optimizing backbones when using higher-order/interpreted languages 6. juni 2011
Organizing for digital innovation and digitalization 20. sep. 2023
Overganger i digital hjemmeoppf?lging 9. aug. 2023
Parallelisation of algorithms in bioinformatics 16. aug. 2013
Parallelization of algorithms in bioinformatics 3. okt. 2016
Patient system for Specialized Newborn Care Units in Malawi 2. nov. 2016
Personalized medicine: Rapid high-throughput drug screening to treat relapsed leukaemia patients 6. okt. 2017
Power Efficiency: Parallella vs. GPU 5. sep. 2015