Ventilasjonsanlegget p? gamlebygget Domus Medica sl?s av torsdag 14. oktober mellom kl. 17-21.00

(For English version, please see below)

Eiendomsavdelingen (EA) ved UiO skal utf?re en styrt stopp av ventilasjonsanlegget. Temperaturen kan svinge noe. I tillegg senkes branngardin mellom Domus Medica gamlebygg og tilbygg.

  • Det vil si at passasjen mellom byggene i n?rheten av Eric kaffebar stenges. Ventilasjonen i tilbygget p?virkes ikke, ei heller dyrestallen.
  •  Avtrekksskap m? ikke brukes i dette tidsrommet.
  • Du kan kan v?re i bygget under testingen av ventilasjonsanlegget, men det vil bli d?rligere luftkvalitet og redusert temperaturkontroll.

Sp?rsm?l kan stilles til EAs prosjektleder Sahar ?rmal p? epost


The ventilation system at Domus Medica will be switched off on Thursday 14th October

The ventilation system in the old part of the Domus Medica building will be switched off on Thursday 14th October from 5 to 9 pm

The Estate Department (EA) at the university will make a controlled halt of the ventilation system. Due to this, the temperature may fluctuate slightly. In addition, the fire curtain will be lowered between the old building and the new extension at Domus Medica.

  • This means that the passage between the two parts of the building near the Eric Café Bar will also be closed. But ventilation in the extension, including in the animal housing unit, will not be affected.
  • The fume cupboards must not be used at this time.
  • Users can remain in the building during the halt, but the closure will mean that air quality will be affected and room temperature will be more difficult to control.

Questions can be directed to EA's project manager Sahar ?rmal: 

Publisert 23. sep. 2021 15:04 - Sist endret 23. sep. 2021 15:04