Hazard assessment of micro- nanoplastic particles mixed with Adenovirus

This project is a part of a large HORIZON 2020 EU, PlasticFate (Plastics fate and effects in the human body) that aims to improve our present understanding of the impact of micro- and nano-plastics (MP/NPs) and associated additives/adsorbed contaminants (A/C) in the human body. STAMI is leading the work package on Human hazard assessment.

Introduction: Human exposure to MP/NP can result from the widespread use of plastic products and their release to the environment, where they degrade to MP/NP particles. As consequence, these particles are found in food, drinking water, air and environmental media (food chain, soils). Despite recent efforts to assess the real dimension of human risks associated with exposure to MP/NP, our current knowledge is still insufficient. PlasticsFatE aims to address this challenge and associated uncertainties by implementing a comprehensive measurement and testing program ("test the test"), including inter-laboratory studies, to improve and validate the performance and applicability of available methods and tools to MP/NP.
The present MSc project will investigate the immunotoxic effects of MP/NPs contaminated by Adenovirus. We hypothesized that contamination of plastic particles by viruses may have significant impacts on their immunotoxic effects particularly in the lungs. We will therefore study the initial triggering mechanisms including oxidative stress and inflammation in alveolar epithelial cells co-cultured with neutrophil-like cells differentiated from HL60.

Materials and methods: plastic particles mixed with Adenovirus will be exposed to HL60 cells differentiated into neutrophil-like co-cultured with alveolar epithelial A549 cells. Adverse outcomes will be assessed using various approach including ELISA, luminex technology, gene expression, microscopic, flow cytometric analysis. In addition, initial characterization of the mixed plastic materials and microorganisms using FESEM (Field emission Scanning Electron microscope) will be performed.

The experimental work will include the following tasks:

Characterization of exposure material using FESEM (Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope)

Cell culture techniques: maintenance, seeding, differentiation and in vitro exposure

                Bioassays for cell death, oxidativ/studier/program/biovitenskap-master/oppbygging/masteroppgaver/toksikologi-og-miljovitenskap/ovrevik.jpge stress and cytokines

                RNA expression by qPCR

                Reporter cell assays

Project plan

Autumn 2023

Training in cell-, Microbio- and Nanolab techniques

Preparation and characterization of the exposure materials

Work with cell culture (A549 and HL60)

Reporter cell assays

Winter 2023


RNA isolation

qPCR and data analysis

Spring 2024

Finish lab work

Analysis and thesis writing

Autumn-Winter 2024

Expected final exam

Graphical illustrationBildet kan inneholde: rektangel, font, parallell, merke, sirkel.

Kontakt: Anani Komlavi Afanou: Forsker/Associate Research Professor PhD MSc; Tel: +47 23195247 / +47 95080052; E-post: anani.afanou@stami.no

Publisert 7. aug. 2023 13:29 - Sist endret 7. aug. 2023 13:30

Omfang (studiepoeng)