Effects of toxic chemicals on sediment organisms and biodiversity


Despite a general acceptance that the highest concentrations of toxic substances in marine ecosystems are found in sediments, there are still wide knowledge gaps in our understanding of effects, both sublethal effects and modulation of biodiversity. Master projects are offered within either, connected to the EU Horizon project Contrast.


Sublethal effects will primarily be investigated in sediment-dwelling bivalves with a focus on proteomic analyses of haemolymph (blood). Biodiversity will be assessed using eDNA, eRNA and proteome analyses of sediment bacteria and meiofauna. The master projects will include exposure studies and/or field sampling as well as bioinformatic analyses (for sediment) and analyses of proteome and other sublethal responses for bivalves.


The master project(s) will be supervised by Ketil Hylland (ketilhy@uio.no) and external researchers – get in touch if you are interested.



Publisert 6. juni 2024 09:59 - Sist endret 6. juni 2024 09:59


Omfang (studiepoeng)