Fun with Fish 1: Heatwaves and mass mortality

This project is quantitative and will focus on analysis of existing data.

Marine heatwaves (MHWs) are projected to become more frequent, last longer, and be more intense in the future1. MHWs are known to have large effects on marine life, including fish2. There is however some controversy over how important MHWs are for fish population dynamics3, but they are known to cause elevated mortality in early life stages4. A single early-life mortality event will typically lead to relatively limited effects at the population level in fish5. However, how two such events occur with different intensities, durations, and time between the two events has not been investigated in detail across fish life histories. In this master project the candidate will investigate the population-level impact of two mass mortality events with different intensities and times. The work will utilize existing data on a range of species to make predictions of the potential outcome of the new climate reality.

The details of the project will be developed by the student and the supervisor(s).



1.        Oliver, E. C. J. et al. Marine Heatwaves. Ann. Rev. Mar. Sci. 13, 313–342 (2021).

2.        Smith, K. E. et al. Biological Impacts of Marine Heatwaves. Ann. Rev. Mar. Sci. 15, 119–145 (2023).

3.        Fredston, A. L. et al. Marine heatwaves are not a dominant driver of change in demersal fishes. Nature 621, 324–329 (2023).

4.        Laurel, B. J. & Rogers, L. A. Loss of spawning habitat and prerecruits of pacific cod during a gulf of alaska heatwave. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 77, 644–650 (2020).

5.        Langangen, ?. et al. Effects of early life mass mortality events on fish populations. Fish Fish. 24, 176–186 (2023).


Publisert 5. mars 2024 10:39 - Sist endret 5. mars 2024 10:39


Omfang (studiepoeng)