Schedule, syllabus and examination date

Course content

In this course, you will get acquainted with the fundamental theories and applications of measurement models and their roles in structural equation models. The focus will be on using these methods for applied research.

You also gain practical competency in statistical software for analyzing data.

The course covers the following key topics:

  1. Overview of latent variable models and measurement error
  2. Path diagram, causality, and matrix notation
  3. Model fit and comparison
  4. Confirmatory and exploratory factor analysis
  5. Moderation and mediation
  6. Multigroup analysis and measurement invariance


UV9297 is taught as a compulsory course in the master`s program Assessment, Measurement and Evaluation, with the course code and title MAE4101 Measurement models. The content, schedule and reading list for UV9297 are the same as for MAE4101.

It is strongly recommended that the students in UV9297 attend all lectures with hands-on components.

Learning outcome


  • Recognize the general principles of measurement models
  • Understand the key assumptions that underlie these models and methods
  • Understand what violations of their assumptions can mean for model selection and associated inferences



  • Select, apply, and interpret the parameters of a measurement model?for the research question at hand, for instance, in the context of structural equation modeling
  • Test key assumptions and offer possible solutions to violations
  • Write up the results of an analysis in an appropriate way
  • Analyze data with the help of existing statistical software packages



  • Demonstrate a facility with measurement models to answer well-defined research questions, for instance, in the context of structural equation modeling
  • Interpret published scientific research that uses these models and methods
  • Evaluate the tenability of associated inferences and knowledge claims

Admission to the course

There is a limited number of seats due to joint teaching with the master’s level version of the course.

PhD candidates at the Faculty of Educational Sciences will be given priority, but it is also possible for others to apply for the course.

The deadline for registration is on the corresponding semester page for the course.?

Candidates admitted to a PhD-program at the Faculty of Educational Sciences (UV) can apply in StudentWeb.

Other applicants can apply by filling out and sending in a electronic registration form, which is found on the corresponding semester page for the course.?

Formal prerequisite knowledge

Master`s degree.

It is recommended that candidates have completed MAE4000 Data Science or equivalent. If you are unsure of whether your prior knowledge is sufficient, please contact the PhD administration at CEMO.

Overlapping courses


This course combines lectures and seminars with data analysis tasks in statistical software environments.

Joint teaching with the master level version of the course,?MAE4101 Measurement Models.

Lectures are held by Professor Ronny Scherer.

Schedule and literature: Please see the applicable semester page for the course.?


To obtain 5 credits, 80 % attendance, successful completion of the mandatory assignments and paper is required.

A more specific description of the mandatory assignments and paper will be given at the course.

80 % attendance, successful completion of the mandatory assignments and paper is required.

A more specific description of the mandatory assignments and paper will be given in the course.

Language of examination

The examination text is given in English, and you submit your response in English.

Grading scale

Grades are awarded on a pass/fail scale. Read more about the grading system.

More about examinations at UiO

You will find further guides and resources at the web page on examinations at UiO.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) Oct. 3, 2024 8:17:04 AM

Facts about this course

Teaching language