
Kapitler merket med * finnes i kompendium. I salg hos Akademika



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Supplerende litteratur:

Code, C & D Mueller (ed) (1995): Treatment of aphasia. From theory to practice. London; Whurr Publishers

Christensen, S & C Rivelsrud (1997): Dysfagi - et ukjent handicap. Nordisk Tidsskrift for spesialpedagogikk, 1, s.11-19

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Watson, A C H, D A Sell & P Grunwell (2001): Management of Cleft Lip and Palate. London; Whurr Publishers Ltd

Supplerende litteratur:

Adams, C, B Byers Brown & M Edwards (1997): Developmental Disorders of Language. London; Whurr Publishers

Bishop, D V M & L Leonard (ed) (2001): Speech and Language Impairments in Children: Causes, Characteristics, Intervention and Outcome. Brighton; Psychology Press.

Cooke, J, D Williams & C Latham (eds) (1992): Working with Children’s Language. Oxon; Winslow Press.

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Kahmi, AG & H W Catts (1999): Language and reading disabilities. Boston; Allyn and Bacon

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Watkins, R V & M L Rice (1994): Specific Language Impairments in Children. Baltimore; Paul H. Brookes Publishing.



Curlee, R F & G M Siegel (1997): Nature and Treatment of Stuttering. 2.ed. Boston; Allyn and Bacon.

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Rustin, L (1991): Parents, Families and the Stuttering Child. Kibworth; Far Communications Ltd.

Supplerende litteratur

Conture, E (1990): Stuttering. Englewood Cliffs; Prentice Hall.

Preus, A (1987): Stamming og l?psk tale. Oslo; Universitetsforlaget.

Ratner, N B & E C Healy (edrs) (1999): Stuttering Research and Practice. Bridging the Gap. New Jersey; Lawrence Erlbaum Ass. Publishers

Rustin, L, R Spence & F Cook (1995): Management of stuttering in adolescence: a communication skills approach. London; Whurr Publishers Ltd.

Starkweather, C W (1990): Stuttering Prevention. A clinical Method. Englewood Cliffs; Prentice Hall.



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Colton, R H & J K Casper (1996): Understanding Voice Problems - A Physiological Perspective for Diagnosis and Treatment. Baltimore; Williams & Wilkins

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K?lle, I m.fl. (1993): B?rnestemmer II. K?benhavn; Audiologop?disk Forening.

Martin, S. & Darley, L: The Teaching Voice, 2004. London: Whurr Publishers.

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Saunders, W H (1964): The Larynx Clinical Symposia. CIBA - Geigy. Kopi.

Supplerende litteratur:

Andrews, M L (1986): Voice Therapy for Children. The Elementary School Years. New York; Longman

Aronsen, A E (1990): Clinical voice disorders. New York; Thieme-Stratton Inc.

Butcher, E. R: Psychogenic Voice Disorders & Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 1993. London: Whurr Publishers.

Karlstad, H: Stemmedannelse - forslag til ?vingsprogram. Kompendium

KTH Voice Research Center (1999): R?sten i v?rt samh?lle. Stockholm; TMH-KTH, 10044 Stockholm

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Publisert 25. okt. 2004 18:57 - Sist endret 19. mai 2005 17:30