WEBVTT Kind: captions; language: en-us NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 87% (H?Y) 00:00:01.900 --> 00:00:12.500 Hi everybody. Welcome back. Today we are going to touch another different family of methods that we 00:00:12.500 --> 00:00:18.800 call performative methods. We call them performative because differently from the methods that we 00:00:18.800 --> 00:00:26.700 have been studied so far, in this kind of methods we don't ask the participants just to tell us 00:00:26.700 --> 00:00:29.900 something, but we ask participants to do something. NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 86% (H?Y) 00:00:29.900 --> 00:00:38.500 And so the the performative methods are based on the idea that participants can express their 00:00:38.500 --> 00:00:45.000 experience and their life through multiple channels and especially through acting or doing 00:00:45.000 --> 00:00:46.000 something. NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 90% (H?Y) 00:00:46.000 --> 00:00:55.800 So, the first point I want to make briefly, is that we also call this kind of methods as multimodal 00:00:55.800 --> 00:01:03.900 methods. Why multimodal? Multimodal because they rely on different and multiple modalities or 00:01:03.900 --> 00:01:10.600 channel of communication. As you probably have noticed the most part of social research and 00:01:10.600 --> 00:01:16.450 qualitative methods especially are based on language and nonverbal communication on the NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 91% (H?Y) 00:01:16.450 --> 00:01:28.000 logos. Of course, this is because language is the main powerful tool that we as human have to 00:01:28.000 --> 00:01:35.300 organize and to model our reality but also to control and regulate our psychic life, but it is not 00:01:35.300 --> 00:01:41.300 the only one. And sometimes there are some some psychological phenomenon or phenomena or human 00:01:41.300 --> 00:01:46.350 experience that can be not expressed through language, because they are NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 73% (MEDIUM) 00:01:46.350 --> 00:01:59.750 to embodied. So they are below the threshold of language or they are to overwhelming and to 00:01:59.750 --> 00:02:06.500 absolute or universal that they are above. Just imagine the religious feeling. There are above the 00:02:06.500 --> 00:02:13.400 threshold of verbal language. So as we have seen in the last lecture we have 00:02:13.400 --> 00:02:16.450 replaced the concept of NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 89% (H?Y) 00:02:16.450 --> 00:02:23.400 verbal and nonverbal with the idea of sign and sign can also be expressed through action and through 00:02:23.400 --> 00:02:34.000 the body. So why do we need to move beyond the verbal communication, such as the interview? First of 00:02:34.000 --> 00:02:42.600 all, let me point out that qualitative research is about meaning making, but is about making 00:02:42.600 --> 00:02:46.350 the meaning visible to the researcher. So that you can NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 82% (H?Y) 00:02:46.350 --> 00:02:52.700 understand and study it. But as I said, not all the meaning can express verbally and there are a lot 00:02:52.700 --> 00:03:00.100 of constraints about verbal communication. First of all, especially in our field, in field of 00:03:00.100 --> 00:03:07.600 special needs, we can deal with sensitive or controversial topics. So, like for 00:03:07.600 --> 00:03:14.300 example, health or religious beliefs or NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 90% (H?Y) 00:03:15.500 --> 00:03:25.400 experience of abuse for instance. So these topics can be sometimes difficult to express verbally. 00:03:26.100 --> 00:03:35.600 In some other cases, we may deal with experiences of people that are so far from us that 00:03:35.600 --> 00:03:43.149 we don't have a common ground of communication. Like for instance, when we often deal with 00:03:43.149 --> 00:03:46.399 marginalized or vulnerable groups. NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 75% (MEDIUM) 00:03:46.399 --> 00:03:53.900 People that for some limitation in the verbal communication cannot express verbally. Just think about 00:03:53.900 --> 00:04:01.600 people with some impairment or people with with autism for instance. So we need a different kind of 00:04:01.600 --> 00:04:08.600 complex support to establish communication or in the case of different language skills we simply 00:04:08.600 --> 00:04:16.049 don't speak the same language or because as I said, there are some experiences that are so embodied NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 91% (H?Y) 00:04:16.049 --> 00:04:23.600 that cannot be completely shared verbally. So I don't have even the words to express, for instance, 00:04:23.600 --> 00:04:34.600 kind of, form of body suffering or there are some topics that are somehow vague and 00:04:34.600 --> 00:04:45.600 overwhelming and they cannot be captured by a single words or by sentences such as the atmospheric 00:04:45.600 --> 00:04:46.250 feelings. NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 82% (H?Y) 00:04:46.250 --> 00:04:56.700 Imagine how important is can be for in your life experience to have an overwhelming or 00:04:56.700 --> 00:05:05.700 specially especially emotional experience. I don't know, watching a sunset or watching the sea or 00:05:05.700 --> 00:05:13.200 entering an ancient church or an ancient temple. So, those feelings are very complex and we call 00:05:13.200 --> 00:05:16.150 them atmospheric feelings. They cannot be NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 73% (MEDIUM) 00:05:16.150 --> 00:05:25.300 told, put in words. So we need other ways to make this visible and also because by 00:05:25.300 --> 00:05:33.800 asking people to do things we are also changing somehow their role. So they are not just person from 00:05:33.800 --> 00:05:41.100 which we extract information, so the extractivist approach, but also people that turned to have an 00:05:41.100 --> 00:05:46.250 active role. Can act as member of their community, as we will see. NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 87% (H?Y) 00:05:46.250 --> 00:05:56.000 Now, what do you will find about this lecture on canvas? The two readings, one is the 00:05:56.000 --> 00:06:03.900 chapter 17 of the handbook and the other one is the article title complexity embodied and then you 00:06:03.900 --> 00:06:10.800 will find two optional video. The first one is an example of a method that we are going to see in 00:06:10.800 --> 00:06:16.350 the next slides. NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 85% (H?Y) 00:06:16.350 --> 00:06:23.400 And another one is an optional video from a very interesting dance company, British 00:06:23.400 --> 00:06:29.600 ance company, called StoGgap. With a wonderful dancer called performer called David Toole that 00:06:29.600 --> 00:06:36.450 unfortunately just passed away. I invite you to have a look at this dance company and all 00:06:36.450 --> 00:06:44.900 their performances. Exactly. Because there's a it's a great example of art based of 00:06:44.900 --> 00:06:46.100 performative NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 67% (MEDIUM) 00:06:46.100 --> 00:06:51.500 performance-based method, and you will see in the chapter you will find also reference exactly to 00:06:51.500 --> 00:07:02.400 dense. So, how to read the pensum today? What I would like to focus on the handbook chapter 00:07:02.400 --> 00:07:10.300 by Patricia Levy is, first of all, the particular nature of performance, of the concept of 00:07:10.300 --> 00:07:16.100 performance. As I see it has to do with active engagement and NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 88% (H?Y) 00:07:16.100 --> 00:07:24.549 and role off the participant, it has to do with the expression of the representation of experience 00:07:24.549 --> 00:07:33.200 in a deep and in a wider way. I want to focus on the different types of performances that we 00:07:33.200 --> 00:07:42.200 can use in research. I will also you to focus on the important aspect of the social role of 00:07:42.200 --> 00:07:46.250 performance method. So performance matters are not only a way NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 90% (H?Y) 00:07:46.250 --> 00:07:53.150 to grasp experience, but they also way to empower the participants. And there are also a way 00:07:53.150 --> 00:08:00.350 very often to raise awareness and to involve the community. Finally, I would like you to focus on 00:08:00.350 --> 00:08:06.450 the link with the other theory that we have studies. The performative based methods are often 00:08:06.450 --> 00:08:15.600 related to those alternative epistemologies like families or the decolonizing approach. So there is NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 81% (H?Y) 00:08:16.150 --> 00:08:28.600 is an idea of empowering people who are voiceless and are voiceless because the order, the 00:08:28.600 --> 00:08:35.900 regime of discourse, is making them silent and they can find a different voice through different 00:08:35.900 --> 00:08:44.300 forms of communication and actions. Such as the performative base methods, but let's go to see and 00:08:44.300 --> 00:08:46.500 sorry the second reading instead NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 87% (H?Y) 00:08:46.500 --> 00:08:53.500 is an example of a very powerful method called body mapping, that could be very, very useful, 00:08:53.500 --> 00:09:00.800 especially when we you work with special needs, with people with special needs and is the the body 00:09:00.800 --> 00:09:08.500 mapping. So I would like you to focus on reading this article is, of course, the method 00:09:08.500 --> 00:09:16.200 itself, does it work and how can it be applied, but also about, I want you to NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 90% (H?Y) 00:09:16.200 --> 00:09:25.100 focus about the concept of multimodal expression. So this method is able to connect us with the 00:09:25.100 --> 00:09:31.600 participant on a number of different dimensions. The first one is the fact that there is a physical 00:09:31.600 --> 00:09:39.600 and embodied dimension, because the the whole body is involved in the production, in making of an 00:09:39.600 --> 00:09:46.200 artwork. There is the visual channel, because visualizing NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 86% (H?Y) 00:09:46.200 --> 00:09:53.400 ideas in the method is very important, but visual channel goes together with the verbal. So the 00:09:53.400 --> 00:10:00.400 making of the body mapping is of course a source of meaning, because we interview the person 00:10:00.400 --> 00:10:11.600 while making the artwork. But it's also a space of dialogue with the researcher. Then, another 00:10:11.600 --> 00:10:16.250 important dimension involved in this kind of aspect. NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 83% (H?Y) 00:10:16.250 --> 00:10:26.700 Is the fact that you can experience, you can get an insight into the relationship between inside and 00:10:26.700 --> 00:10:32.800 outside the body. So this may be especially important when it comes to studying human phenomenon, 00:10:32.800 --> 00:10:40.700 like such as surgery, invasive surgery, but also the boundaries of the body in 00:10:40.700 --> 00:10:46.150 general. And finally, what NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 81% (H?Y) 00:10:46.150 --> 00:10:56.000 I want to focus on is the temporal and narrative dimension. So the body is not only the place of 00:10:56.000 --> 00:11:06.099 perception and emotion. But it's also what connects our past to present and our future, because is 00:11:06.099 --> 00:11:13.600 our lives, body is a place of memories is a place of desires and is the place of stories. So that 00:11:13.600 --> 00:11:16.250 these are the the aspect I would like to reflect up on NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 87% (H?Y) 00:11:16.250 --> 00:11:23.800 reading the article. Now, let me end by presenting you a couple of examples of methods. The 00:11:23.800 --> 00:11:32.450 first one is basically an evolutionary development of the idea of diary, of video diary, in schools 00:11:32.450 --> 00:11:41.900 scrapbook is performative method in sense that you asked the participants to create a small artwork 00:11:41.900 --> 00:11:45.950 or create some products in general. NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 82% (H?Y) 00:11:45.950 --> 00:11:56.400 You provide the participant with some materials. Again, you set the first encounter in which you 00:11:56.400 --> 00:12:04.300 create a relationship of trust and you create the setting for task. The new hand out the 00:12:04.300 --> 00:12:12.000 participant material. Sometimes we call it the surprise 00:12:12.000 --> 00:12:17.000 box with a lot of materials in it. And then you ask to NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 85% (H?Y) 00:12:17.000 --> 00:12:27.700 draw or to create products, images, scraps, or sculpture or whatever, about some condition. Like for 00:12:27.700 --> 00:12:36.800 instance. This study has been used with people in hospital to understand their experience 00:12:36.800 --> 00:12:41.000 of being in the hospital, for instance, for a long time. NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 89% (H?Y) 00:12:41.000 --> 00:12:50.200 This is the kind of task that you give to the participant. So you give the box with a lot of 00:12:50.200 --> 00:12:58.300 materials and you say you can use this materials to create something that represents your 00:12:58.300 --> 00:13:06.000 psychological experience about a specific topic, about a specific condition or moment of your life. 00:13:06.000 --> 00:13:11.600 And then, after some days you meet back, you collect this material. NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 85% (H?Y) 00:13:11.600 --> 00:13:21.500 And again you use this materials, but as data so you analyze the creations by themselves, but 00:13:21.500 --> 00:13:29.100 also use this these materials to talk about. So it's the trigger for the interview. 00:13:29.100 --> 00:13:38.400 The second method is as I said body mapping, which is very important. I will also try it hopefully 00:13:38.400 --> 00:13:41.550 and it consists of creating a NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 89% (H?Y) 00:13:41.550 --> 00:13:50.800 space in which individually or in very small groups, two and two people. You have a big sheet of 00:13:50.800 --> 00:13:57.800 paper and the person is laying down and design the shape of the body. Then the shape of the body 00:13:57.800 --> 00:14:07.000 becomes the canvas for the creation of an artwork. So this is the kind of tasks that people must 00:14:07.000 --> 00:14:11.600 perform and this can be very useful. NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 81% (H?Y) 00:14:11.600 --> 00:14:20.400 It's been used to study different kind of chronic illness, but also for instance abuse. Is very 00:14:20.400 --> 00:14:30.200 useful to work with children. It can be useful to work with people that belong to vulnerable 00:14:30.200 --> 00:14:40.200 categories. Again, here is the ternary structure and how you design the experience of the body 00:14:40.200 --> 00:14:41.550 body mapping. You have NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 86% (H?Y) 00:14:41.550 --> 00:14:50.400 the first encounter in which you set the relationship. You make people feel 00:14:50.400 --> 00:14:56.500 comfortable, because this is a really deep experience for the participants. Then you have the drawing 00:14:56.500 --> 00:15:01.600 session, in which preferably you need two person, one interviewer and one who is 00:15:01.600 --> 00:15:11.550 observing taking note and eventually video recording, and then you have the briefing encounter. NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 88% (H?Y) 00:15:11.550 --> 00:15:20.300 that you need again to elaborate and to give back, to restitute, about this experience. So these are 00:15:20.300 --> 00:15:28.000 two concrete example of what we call by performative methods. And the other one is the 00:15:28.000 --> 00:15:36.000 dance performance that you have in the optional video. So I hope you will enjoy this family 00:15:36.000 --> 00:15:41.600 of methods, which is very, very powerful for research in special needs and NOTE Treffsikkerhet: 75% (MEDIUM) 00:15:41.600 --> 00:15:48.700 and as usual I invite you to post your questions and reflections on the forum. See you.