
Published June 4, 2013 12:11 PM

Dear students

Regarding the meeting tomorrow the 5th of June

Jorun will go through the process of registration for NSD, which is absolutely necessary to be able to do your data collection autumn 2013


You will also have practical info regarding your obligations concerning the work in autumn 2013.

Published May 14, 2013 12:42 PM



12:15-16:00Qualitative Methods: Interview - lecture 3 (12:15-15:00)  

Student study period (15:15-16:00)
 Monica Dalen

Published May 14, 2013 12:40 PM

Results from the written examination in statistics held on 8 May 2013 are now visible via your individual StudentWeb.

Published Apr. 30, 2013 12:53 PM

The written examination in Statistics (SSR-1) on 8 May, 2013 from 09:00 - 12:00 will be held in room HE 234. Your examination numbers are now visiable via your individual StudentWeb.

Published Apr. 23, 2013 2:40 PM

Dear students.

Here is a complete guideline for the rest of the semester.

23.04 Deadline for the individual reflections regarding school visit. On email to me by 23.59

26.04 Final draft of SNE4200 assignment. Email it to Jorun-Buli Holmberg with CC to me. Before 16.00

29.04 Final lecture in SNE4200 with Jorun Buli-Holmberg. 08.15-12.00

30.04 Submission of final Research Proposal. Two printed copies with name, delivered to me (Nicolai) at my office by 12.00

07.05 Oral and written feedback on final draft of SNE4200. 10.15-14.00 at Georg Sverdrups Hus auditorium 2.  Those who can not attend will get a short written feedback on email. Please write in your email (29.04) with the final draft of the assignment if you will attend the oral feedback. The timetable for the feedback will be made after submission of draft.

08.05 Statistics exam.SNE4230 09:00 (3 hours) Room is yet to...

Published Jan. 7, 2013 2:07 PM

Two scheduled meetings concerning Research Methodology:1. Jorun has called a meeting for ERASMUS MUNDUS SIE students on Wednesday 9 Jan. 15:15-16:00 in HE Aud U35. MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY 8 JAN

2. Jorun has called a meeting for SNE students on Wednesday 16 Jan. 15:15-16:00 in HE Aud U35.

The scheduled student study periods those two days are, therefore, cancelled.

Published Nov. 28, 2012 4:09 PM

Welcome to SNE4230 Research Methodology!

The written examination SSR-3 on 15 February 2013 is for final year students (MG 11/13), whereas the written examination in statistics SSR-1 on 8 May 2013 is for first year students (MG 12/14).