Syllabus/achievement requirements

SNE4120 Obligatory reading:

SNE4120 - Inclusive Education

All texts marked with an asterisk are available in a joint compendium (SNE4120, SNE3120 & SNE4130) which will be for sale from "Kopiutsalget" in Akademika bookshop, Blindern campus.

* Befring, Edvard. (2001). The Enrichment Perspective: A Special Educational Approach to an Inclusive School. In B. H. Johnsen & M. D. Skj?rten, (eds.). Education – Special Needs Education: An Introduction(pp. 49 – 64). Oslo, Unipub. 15p.

* Befring, Edvard. (2005). The Child Welfare Service in Norway – Perspectives and Challenges. In B. H. Johnsen (ed.). Socio-Emotional Growth and Development of Learning Strategies (pp. 131 – 168) Oslo, Unipub - Oslo Academic Press. 37 p.

Friend, Cook et al: Co-teaching: An Illustration of the Complexity of Collaboration in Special Needs Education. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 20:9-27, 2012 Web link

Eklindh, Kenneth & Brule-Balescut, Jill Van den. (2006). The Right to Education for Persons with Disabilities: Reflecting on UNESCO’s Role from Salamanca to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. In H. Savolainen, M. Matero & H. Kokkala (eds.). When All Means All: Experiences in Three African Countries with EFA and Children with Disabilities (pp. 19 - 38). Helsinki: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland. Development Policy Information Unit. 19 p. (This chapter will be made available to students via FRONTER)

* Johnsen, Berit H. (2001). Curricula for the Plurality of Individual Learning Needs: Some Thoughts concerning Practical Innovation towards an Inclusive Class and School. In B. H. Johnsen & M. D. Skj?rten, (eds.). Education – Special Needs Education: An Introduction (pp. 255 – 303). Oslo, Unipub. 15 p.

Kirk, Samuel A. et. al. (2011). Educating Exceptional Children. Thirteenth edition. USA, Hougthon Mifflin Company. Chapter 3. Early Intervention Supports and Services (pp 71 – 106). 35 p.

* Kokkala, Heikki. (2006). Five Years after Dakar. In H. Savolainen, M. Matero & H. Kokkala (eds.). When All Means All: Experiences in Three African Countries with EFA and Children with Disabilities (1-18). Helsinki: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland. Development Policy Information Unit. 17 p.

* Lindsay, G (2003). Inclusive education: a critical perspective. British Journal of Special Education, 30, 3-12. 10 p.

* Savolainen, Hannu. (2006). Education for All: Where are the Children with Disabilities? In H. Savolainen, M. Matero & H. Kokkala (eds.). When All Means All: Experiences in Three African Countries with EFA and Children with Disabilities (172 - 184). Helsinki: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland. Development Policy Information Unit. 12 p.

Wells, G and Claxton, G. (2002). Learning for Life in the 21st Century: Socio-cultural Perspectives on the Future of Education. Blackwell Publishing. Chapter 2 – 14. 176 p.

DVD material for obligatory group work: Department of Special Needs Education and InterMedia, Faculty of Education, University of Oslo (2008). Teachers for All. Part II Inclusive Education. [DVD material]

Additional individually selected reading

Published Mar. 21, 2012 9:04 AM - Last modified May 25, 2012 4:53 PM