We would like to invite you all to attend a seminar/meeting to mark the end of the first semester before the Christmas/New Year break. Please meet in Room HE 233 from 12:00-14:00 on Monday 18 December 2006.
NB Attendance is obligatory.
A simple lunch will be served!
A reminder about the launch of ISNE (International Student Network in Education) this afternoon, 12 December at 17.00 in "Kjeller'n" HE. We look forward to seeing you all there after your lecture!
Liv Duesund's lecture SNE4120, originally planned for 29 November, will now be held on Thursday 7 December 08:15-12:00 in HE 233
Oddvar Hjulstad will start his lecture tomorrow (14 Nov.) at 14:15 instead of 13:15.
Steinar and Denese would like to call the whole group into a meeting on Monday 20 November after the lecture with Liv Randi. Please meet at 14:15 in room HE U35. We will discuss some of the examination procedures connected to the Term Papers you have this semester, including different types of feedback, references and the grading system at UiO.
Please come to a group meeting on Wednesday 8 November 15:15-16:00 in room HE 233 before the scheduled lecture. Einar Sletmo will give an introduction to the planned study visit on Thursday 9 November including practical instructions. NB It is important that everyone attends!
Timetable change NB The lecture scheduled on Monday 6 Nov. for SNE4120 with Liv Randi Opdal will now be moved to Monday 13 Nov. - same time and room - HE U35 10:15-14:00
Introduction to "fronter" 25 Oct. 15:15-16:00 HE 236 .
Term paper 3 (SNE4130) handed out 25 Oct. 16:15-17:00 HE 232 - Oddvar will answer any questions you may have at this session
NB Dates for Term Papers 2 & 3 Autumn 2006 (both handing out and delivery) have been reversed. More information at group meeting
"EFA and the Challenge of Administrative Competence Building". This report claims that administrative competence and capacity development are critical challenges in sector wide approaches to educational reforms. Lack of relevant administrative competence in educational systems is a major hindrance for effective implementation of quality education, and to reach the goals of EFA.
Do you want to attend this seminar Monday 23 October 2006 from 10:00-13:00? Venue: Kunnskapsdepartementet (Ministry of Education), Y-blokka, Akersgt. 44, room Y-1000. Please send your registration to no later than 20 October 2006.
Oddvar Hjulstad's lecture is cancelled today due to illness
Please note following dates for study visits - more info later! Thurs. 19 Oct and Thurs. 9 Nov.
Group Presentations SNE4110(a component of Term Paper 1, based on individual "preparatory assignment") as follows: Group nr. 1: Tuesday 19.09, Group nr. 2: Monday 18.09 & Group nr. 3 Wednesday 20.09
See detailed teaching plan for web links to different papers to be read in connection with SNE4110 & SNE4130
To view Draft Plan for SNE4110 click "Syllabus/Achievement Requirements"
N.B. Additional lecture "Introduction to Writing an Assignment" will be held on Thursday 21 September in HE 232 10:15-12:00
N.B. UV Student International Forum for the Autumn semester 2006 will now be held on the following Wednesdays from 13:15-14:00: 20 Sept., 18 Oct., (Monday) 30 Oct. & 15 Nov.
Course schedule for SNE4110, SNE4120 & SNE4130 (also SNE4230) combined under SNE4110.