
H?sten 2014 er det f?rste gang emnet PED4540 blir tilbudt.

Basic Concepts

Vygotsky, L.S. (1986) Thought and Language. Massachusetts: The MiT Press. Pp. 146-209. (53 pages)

Wertsch, J.  (1991). Voices of the Mind – A Sociocultural Approach to Mediated Action. Cambridge, Massacusetts: Harvard University Press. Pp. 1-66 (66 pages)

Linn, M. C. & Eylon, B.-S. 2011. Science Learning and Instruction – Taking Advantage of Technology to Promote Knowledge Integration. New York: Routledge. Pp. ix-xiv, 1-101, 148-247. (207 pages)


Historical Overview

Stahl, G., Koschmann, T., & Suthers, D. (2006). Computer-supported collaborative learning: An historical perspective. In R. K. Sawyer (Ed.), Cambridge Handbook of the Learning Sciences. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Online version. (19 pages)

Rasmussen, I., & Ludvigsen, S. (2010). Learning with computer tools and environments: a sociocultural perspective. In K. Littleton, C. Wood & J. K. Staarman (Eds.) International Handbook of Psychology in Education. (pp. 399- 435). UK, Emerald. Online version (36 pages)


Representations & Visualizations

Ainsworth, S. (2006). DeFT: A conceptual framework for considering learning with multiple representations. Learning and Instruction, 16, 183-198. Online version (16 pages)

Jornet, A. & Roth, M. (submitted). The work of connecting multiple presentational forms: Theory and a case study. Electronic version (ca 35 pages)

Linn, M. C. & Eylon, B.-S. 2011. Science Learning and Instruction – Taking Advantage of Technology to Promote Knowledge Integration. New York: Routledge. Ch. 8: 186-217 (31 pages)

Schnotz, W., & Lowe, R. K. (2008). A unified view of learning from animated and static graphics. In R. K. Lowe & W. Schnotz (Eds.), Learning with animation: Research implications for design (pp. 304-356). New York: Cambridge University Press. (42 pages)


Studies of Scientific Understanding and Scaffolding

Furberg, A. (2009). Socio-cultural aspects of prompting student reflection in Web-based inquiry learning environments. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 25(4), pp. 397-409. Online version (12 pages)

Quintana, C., Reiser, B. J. Davis, E. et al. 2004. A Scaffolding Design Framework for Software to Support Science Inquiry. Journal of the Learning Sciences. 13(3), 337-386. Online version (49 pages)

Sawyer, R. K. 2006. Introduction: The New Science of Learning in The Cambridge Handbook of the Learning Sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Ch. 1, Pp 1-16. (16 pages)

van der Pol, J., Volman, M, & Beishuizen, J. 2010. Scaffolding in Teacher-Student Interactions: A Decade of Research. Educational Psychology Review, 22: 271-296. Online version (25 pages)


Studies in Museum and Science Center Settings

DeWitt, J. & Storksdieck, M. (2008). A Short Review of School Field Trips: Key Findings from the Past and Implications for the Future. Visitor Studies, 11(2), 181-197. Online version  (16 pages)

Gutwin, J. P. & Allen, S. (2011). Deepening Students’ Scientific Inquiry Skills During a Science Museum Field Trip. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 21(1), 130-181. Online version (51 pages)

Pierroux, P., Krange, I. and Sem, I. (2011) Bridging Contexts and Interpretations: Mobile Blogging on Art Museum Field Trips, Mediekultur, 50: 25-44. Online version. (ca 20 pages)

Pujol-Tost, L. (2011).Integrating ICT in exhibition. Museum Management and Curatorship, 26(1), 63-79. Online version (16 pages)


Studies in Workplace Settings

Fischer, G. (2013). A Conceptual Framework for Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning at Work, in S. Goggins, I. Jahnke, & V. Wulf (Eds.), Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning at the Workplace (CSCL@Work) Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 23-42. Online version. (19 pages)

Krange, I, Moen, A., & Ludvigsen, S. (2012). Computer-based 3D Simulation: A Study of Communication Processes in a Trauma Team Performing Patient Examination and Diagnostic Work. Instructional Science 40, 829-847. Online version (18 pages)

M?rch, A.I. and Skaanes, M.A. (2010). Design and Use of an Integrated Work and Learning System: Information Seeking as Critical Function. In Ludvigsen, S. Lund, A., Rasmussen, I. and S?lj?, R. (eds.). Learning Across Sites: New Tools, Infrastructures and Practices. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 138-155. Online version (17 pages)

Stahl, G. (2013). Theories of collaborative cognition: Foundations for CSCL and CSCW together. In S. Goggins & I. Jahnke (Eds.), CSCL@work. (Vol. #13 Springer CSCL Book Series). New York, NY: Springer, pp. 43-63.
Online version. (20 pages)



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Publisert 28. apr. 2014 14:25 - Sist endret 24. feb. 2015 13:26