

Studie?ret 2010

oppdatert mai 2010

Det kan dessverre forekomme feil og mangler i pensumlisten. Ved endring vil dette bli bekjentgjort p? emnesiden.

Argyris, Chris. & Sch?n, Donald.A. (1996) Organizational learning II: Theory, Method and Practice.Reading Mass.Addison-Wesley Press.Kap. 1, 2, 5 (60s)

Carlgren, I. m.fl. (2006). Changes in Nordic Teaching Practices: From Individualised Teaching to the Teaching of Individuals. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 50 3, s. 301-326. (26 s.).Fulltekst

Carlgren, I. & K. Klette (2008). Reconstructions of Nordic Teachers: Reform policies and teachers work during the 1990s. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 52, 2, s.117-133 (16 s.).Fulltekst

Dale, E.L. (1998) P?dagogik og professionalitet. Del 1. (68 s.)

Easterby-Smith, Mark & Marjorie A. Lyles (red.)(2003). Introduction: Watersheds of Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management. I: Easterby-Smith, M. & M.A. Lyles (Red.): The Blackwell Handbook of Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing. s. 1-15(15 s.)fulltekst

Ellstr?m, P.-E. & H. Kock (2008). Competence development in the workplace: Concepts, strategies and effects. Asia pacific education review, 9, 1, 5-20. (15 s.).Fulltekst

Engelsen, B. U (2000). Et utdanningspolitisk brudd. Didaktikk p? norsk mot ?r 2000. Del 2. PFI-rapport 4/2000. (36 s.)

Fagerberg, Jan (2005). "Innovation: a guide to the literature", in The Oxford Handbook of Innovation. Oxford (22 s.)

Gann, David and Mark Dodgson (2007). "Innovation Technology: How new technologies are changing the way we innovate". London: NESTA. (16 s.)Fulltekst

Hargreaves, A. (2004). L?ring og undervisning i kunnskapssamfunnet. Utdanning i en utrygg tid. Oslo: Abstrakt forlag. Innledning, kap. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, konklusjon (140 s.)

H?yrup, S. & P.E. Ellstr?m (2007). Arbejdspladsl?ring. Foruds?tninger, strategi/metoder og resultater. Kbh.: TemaNord 2007:576. Kap 2, 3,4,6 Fulltekst (50 s.)

Jacobs, R.L. & Park, Y. (2009). A proposed conceptual framework of workplace learning: Implications for theory development and research in human resource development. Human resource development review, 8, 2, 133-150 (18 s.).Fulltekst

Malloch, M., Cairns, L., Evans, K. & B. O.Connor (2010). The SAGE Handbook of Workplace Learning. London: Sage. Kap. 1, 2,6, 7, 11 (70 s.)NB Boken er fortsatt under trykking og det kan ta tid f?r den kommer i salg. Se forslag til erstattningslitteratur nederst p? siden.

Merx-Chermin, M., and W.J. Nijhof (2005). "Factors influencing knowledge creation and innovation in an organisation", Journal of European Industrial Training, Vol. 29 No. 2, s. 135-147 (12 s.).Fulltekst

Sivesind, K., Langfeldt, G. & Skedsmo, G. (red.) (2006). Utdanningsledelse. Oslo: Cappelen Akademisk Forlag. Kap 1, 5, 7, 8 (60 s.)

?zerk, Kamil (2010). Pedagogikkens hvordan. -L?rerens rolle, kompetanse og betydning. Oslo: Cappelen Damm (130 s.)

Totalt: 754 sider

Forslag til erstatning for Malloch, M., Cairns, L., Evans, K. & B. O.Connor (2010). The SAGE Handbook of Workplace Learning:

Cairns, L. & M. Malloch (2010) Theories of Work, Place and Learning: New Directions. I Malloch, M., Cairns, L., Evans, K. & B. O.Connor (Red.) The SAGE Handbook of Workplace Learning. London: Sage 12 s.

Eraut, M. (2004) Informal learning in the workplace. Studies in Continuing Education, 26, 2, 247-272. 25 s.Fulltekst

Billett, S. (2001) Learning through work: workplace affordances and individual engagement. Journal of Workplace Learning, 13, 5, 209-215. 6 s.Fulltekst

Engestr?m, Y. & A. Sannino (2010) Studies of expansive learning: Foundations, findings and future challenges. Educational Research Review, 5, 1-24. 25 sider.Fulltekst

Fuller, A., Hodkinson, H., Hodkinson, P. and L. Unwin (2005) Learning as peripheral participation in communities of practice: a reassessment of key concepts in workplace learning. British Educational Research Journal, 31, 1, 49-68. 20 sider).Fulltekst

H?yrup, S. & P.E. Ellstr?m (2007) Arbejdspladsl?ring. Foruds?tninger, strategi/metoder og resultater. Kbh.: TemaNord 2007:576. Kap 2, 3,4,6 (lastes ned p?

Publisert 25. mai 2010 18:55 - Sist endret 19. mai 2011 15:37