PED4011 Generell metode og dataanalyse/statistikk
Andresen, A. m.fl. (2014). ? gripe fortida. Innf?ring i historisk forst?ing og metode. Oslo: Det norske samlaget. Kap. 1-7. 139 sider
Bryman, A. (2015): Social Research Methods, 5th edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Kap 1, 3-6, 7, 8, 10,11, 15, 17-20, 23, 24 og 26, 432 sider
Fay, B. (1996). Contemporary Philosophy of Social Science. A multicultural approach. Oxford: Blackwell. Kap. 3, 4 og 7, 60 sider
Howitt, D. & Cramer, D. (2017). Understanding Statistics in Psychology with SPSS. Pearson. 500 sider (oppdateres med antall kap. f?r nettpublisering)
Kleven, T. A. (2008). Validity and validation in qualitative and quantitative research. Nordisk Pedagogik, 21, 2. 15 sider
Ladyman, J. (2002). Understanding philosophy of science. London: Routledge Kap. 1-4, 125 sider
Lund, T. (2012). Combining qualitative and quantitative approaches: Some arguments for mixed methods research. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 56, 2, 155-165. 10 sider
Murnane, R. & Willett, J. (2011): Methods Matter: Improving Causal Inference in Educational and Social Science Research. Oxford: Oxford University Press Kap. 1-8. 161 sider
Nadim, M. (2015). Generalisering og bruken av analytiske kategorier i kvalitativ forskning. Sosiologisk tidsskrift, 23, 3, 129-148. 18 sider
Sejersted, F. (2000). Historiefagets fortellinger. I: F. Sejersted, Norsk idyll? Oslo: Pax. 19 sider
Skinner, Q. (1969). Meaning and understanding in the history of ideas. History and Theory, 8, 1. 51 sider
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