UV International Forum: Wednesday, November 15. Kl. 13.15-14.00, Auditorium 2 Helga Engs HusThe importance of Computers in Education: Three Examples. By Anders M?rch, Associate Professor at InterMedia, Faculty of Education, University of Oslo. More info
UV International Forum: upcoming sessions:
October 18. Kl. 13.15 - Language and Power Relations in Educational Settings: Multicultural and Special Pedagogy Perspectives (Rom U31, Helga Engs hus). October 30. Kl. 16.15 - Internationalisation of Education: Why is this important for (Norwegian) society? (Aud. 1, Helga Engs hus). Read more here
Evaluating Performance in the Education and Gender Millennium Development Goals. What matters and who cares! Chief of Education, UNICEF, Cream Wright, and Ag Dean of Faculty of Education, University of Western Cape, South Africa, Zubeida Desai will discuss this issue Tuesday 10 October from 12:00-16:00 in Auditorium 2. More information here
P? grunn av en teknisk feil har dessverre informasjonen under "Tid og sted" v?rt feil tirsdag 19. og onsdag 20. september. Feilen er n? rettet. Undervisningen g?r som tidligere annonsert og vi ber deg se bort fra den informasjon som har v?rt tilgjengelig under "Tid og sted" den 19. og 20. september.
Begynte du p? masterstudiet v?ren 2006 elle tidligere og skal ta eksamen etter gammel ordning?
Deleksamener i emnet PED4000 holdes p? f?lgende datoer:
- 28.november:Metode 8 timer kl.09.00-17.00
- 30.november: Statisitikk 4 timer kl.09.00-13.00
Who pays what? Student Financial Support Systems in Higher Education. Please attend the next UV International Forum on Wednesday 20 September, 13:15-14:00 in room U31. Bruce Johnstone, Professor of Higher and Comparative Education from State University of New Your will be our guest.
?nsker du ? reise p? deltstudier i utlandet? Husk s?knadsfrist 15. september! Se informasjon her