Syllabus/achievement requirements

IKT og l?ring i arbeidslivet / ICT and learning

Oppdatert januar 2010

Allan, B & Lewis, Dina: Virtual leaning communities as a vehicle for workforce development: a case study. , 2006. The Journal of Workplace Learning. Vol. 18, no. 6. . pp.367-383 (16 s.). Free through x-port if you are logged on at UiO or by. VPN. Fulltext.

Arnseth, H.C. & Ludvigsen, S. : Approaching institutional contexts: Systemic versus dialogic research in CSCL. Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning , 2006. 1: 167–185. (20 s.). Free through x-port if you are logged on at UiO or by. VPN. Fulltext.

Castells, M. : The internet galaxy: reflections on the internet, business, and society. , 2001. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (282 s.).

Qvortrup, L. : Knowledge, Education and Learning: E-learning in the knowledge society, 2006. Chapter 4. p.75-97 (22 s). .

Sefton-Green, J. : Literature Review in Informal Learning with Technology Outside School, 2004. REPORT 7. (43 s) .

Tapscott, D., & Williams, A. D.: Wikinomics: how mass collaboration changes everything., 2008. London: Altantic. . (33 sider) . Wikinomics.

Wenger, E., McDermott, R., & Snyder, W. M.: Cultivating communities of practice: a guide to managing knowledge. , 2002. Boston: Harvard Business School Press. . (274 s.).

Tilsammen ca 700 sider

Antall studenter: 40

Published Oct. 13, 2009 4:25 PM - Last modified Jan. 26, 2010 12:57 AM