Syllabus/achievement requirements

IKT og l?ring i arbeidslivet / ICT and learning

Oppdatert november 2008

Nyttig informasjon om studielitteratur

Det kan dessverre forekomme feil og mangler i pensumlisten. Ved endringer vil dette bli bekjentgjort p? emnesiden.

Unfortunately it may occure errors in this list. If any changes are made this will be announced at the webpages for this course.

Arnseth, H.C. & Ludvigsen, S. : Approaching institutional contexts: Systemic versus dialogic research in CSCL. Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning , 2006. 1: 167–185. (20 s.).

Bateson, Gregory : The logical Categories of Learning and Communication , 1972. I: Steps to an ecology of mind. New york: Ballantine Books (30 sider) .

Laura Naismith, Peter Lonsdale, Giasemi Vavoula, Mike Sharples : Literature Review in Mobile Technologies and Learning, 2004. REPORT 11. (48 s.) . Report.

Laurillard, D. : Rethinking University Teaching. 2nd ed. , 2002. 2ed. London: Routledge. (284 s). .

Lave, J. & Wenger, E. : Situated learning. Legitimate peripheral participation. , 1991. cambridge university press. (123 s). .

Qvortrup, L. : Knowledge, Education and Learning: E-learning in the knowledge society, 2006. Chapter 4. p.75-97 (22 s). .

Sandford, R., Ulicsak, M., Facer, K. and Rudd, T. : Teaching with Games: Using commercial off-the-shelf computer games in formal education., 2006. Report.

Sefton-Green, J. : Literature Review in Informal Learning with Technology Outside School, 2004. REPORT 7. (43 s) .

Tilsammen ca 600 sider

Antall studenter: 40

Published Nov. 26, 2008 6:13 PM - Last modified Nov. 26, 2008 6:25 PM