
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
17.09.2008Suzanne Stiver Lie? 232 Helga Engs building? Historical trends in gender in higher education? Women’s place in intellectual life (monasteries, Renaissance courts, Parisian Salons, women’s academies, in crafts and midwifery) before the establishment of universities and early University women as the exceptional few, some examples.

All students must attend the first seminar. If you fail to attend, you can loose your place in the course. If you are unable to attend, please contact the administration (see under "contact information")


24.09.2008Suzanne Stiver Lie ? 232 Helga Engs building? Historical trends in gender in higher education (continued)? Women’s entrance as a group in higher education.?
01.10.2008Suzanne Stiver Lie ? 232 Helga Engs building? Trends in the gender gap in higher education as students, faculty and administrators? ?
08.10.2008Suzanne Stiver Lie ? 232 Helga Engs building? Trends in the gender gap in higher education as students, faculty and administrators (continued)? Student reports?
15.10.2008Suzanne Stiver Lie ? 232 Helga Engs building? The gender gap in higher education: theoretical frameworks and the effects of globalization on higher education inequalities? Student reports ?
22.10.2008Suzanne Stiver Lie ? 232 Helga Engs building? The gender gap in higher education: theoretical frameworks and the effects of globalization on higher education inequalities (continued)? Student reports ?
29.10.2008Suzanne Stiver Lie ? 232 Helga Engs building? Strategies to improve the gender balance in higher education? The establishment of Women’s Studies, Men’s Studies, University and State policies.

Student reports ?

05.11.2008Suzanne Stiver Lie ? 232 Helga Engs building ? ? ?
Published June 4, 2008 10:46 AM - Last modified Oct. 21, 2008 2:28 PM