Periodically students will be asked to give the department feedback on selected courses. These evaluations are included in the University 's systematic efforts to ensure best practices and enable the studies to be even better for you and future students. This semester, the course PED2420 will be evaluated.
We strongly encourage you to set aside time for this! The evaluation is often completed at the end semester or when the it is soon time for the final course exam is approaching exam - or right after the exam is completed. It is up to the person responsible for the course to decide how the course will be evaluated and you will receive information regarding the execution of the evaluation from him/her. Good luck this semester!
Det er obligatorisk oppm?te f?rste undervisningsdag. Du mister plassen p? emnet dersom du ikke m?ter.
Dersom du er syk eller p? annen m?te er forhindret fra ? m?te f?rste gang, m? du ta kontakt med emnets administrative kontaktperson p? forh?nd og gi beskjed til administrasjonen (se kontaktinformasjon ?verst til h?yre p? semestersiden).