
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
08.09.201010.15-12.00? 595/596 5.etg Helga Engs hus? Course infomation The Comprehensive School? Lecturer: Knut Tveit (University of Oslo)?
15.09.201010.15-12.00? 3527 gr. 7 Georg Sverdrups hus? The Comprehensive School? Lecturer: Knut Tveit (University of Oslo)?
21.09.201014.15-16.00? 3527 gr. 7 Georg Sverdrups hus? Social inclusion in the comprehensive school? Lecturer: Sirkka Ahonen (University of Helsinki)?
22.09.201010.15-12.00? 3527 gr. 7 Georg Sverdrups hus? Public good or private asset? The comprehensive school reconsidered? Lecturer: Sirkka Ahonen (University of Helsinki)?
29.09.201010.15-12.00? 3527 gr. 7 Georg Sverdrups hus? Evaluation and assessment? Lecturer: Karl ?yvind Jordell (University of Oslo)?
07.10.201014.15-16.00? 595/596 5. etg Helga Engs hus? Public and private schools? Lecturer: Jon Lauglo (University of Oslo)?
14.10.201014.15-16.00? U31 Helga Engs hus? Differentiation ? Lecturer: Karl ?yvind Jordell (University og Oslo)?
21.10.201014.15-16.00? 3527 gr. 7 Georg Sverdrups hus ? Governing? Lecturer: Ulf Lundgren (University of Uppsala)?
22.10.201010.15-12.00? 232 Helga Engs hus? The School and the welfare state The nordic school model? Lecturer: Ulf Lundgren (University of Uppsala)?
27.10.201010.15-12.00? 232 Helga Engs hus? Conclusions, Course summary.? Lecturer: Knut Tveit (University of Oslo)?
Published May 28, 2010 2:21 PM - Last modified Sep. 2, 2010 1:00 PM