Syllabus/achievement requirements


Institute for Educational Research


Accademic year 2009

Updated May 2008

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PED2330 - The Nordic School Model

Please note that articles from The Scandinavian Journal of Educational research are available online for registered students.

Ahonen, Sirkka (2001): The End of the Common School? Change in the Ethos and Politics of Education in Finland Towards the End of the 1990s. In: Ahonen, Sirkka and Rantala, Jukka (ed.): Nordic lights: education for nation and civic society in the Nordic countries, 1850-2000. Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society: 175-203. (29 pp.)

Antikainen, Ari (2006): In Search of the Nordic Modell in Eduation. In: Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, vol. 50, no. 3: 229-243. (15 pp.)

Arnesen, Anne-Lise and Lundahl, Lisbeth (2006): Still Social and Democratic? Inclusive Education Policies in the Nordic Welfare States. In: Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, vol. 50, no. 3: 285-300. (16 pp.)

Bjerg, J. et. al. (1995): Pedagogical Theory in Denmark and in Europe, and Modernity in Comparative Education. In: Danish Education, vol 31, no 1: 31-47. (17 pp.)

Blackledge, Robert C.R. (1994): The United Kingdom. In: Tulasiewicz, Witold and Brock, Colin (ed.): Education in a Single Europe. London: Routledge: 277-289,292-295. (17 pp.)

Cox, Robert (2004): The Path-Dependency of an Idea: Why Scandinavian Welfare States Remain Distinct? In: Social Policy and Administration, 38, 2: 204-219 (16 pp.)

Christiansen, Niels F. and Petersen, Klaus (2001): The dynamics of social solidarity: The Danish welfare state, 1900-2000. In: Scandinavian Journal of History, 26, 3: 177-96. (20 pp.)

Daun, Holger (1998): Comprehensive Schooling at the Intersection of Market, State, and Civil Forces: Two Swedish Case Studies. In: Tjeldvoll, Arild (ed.): Education and the Scandinavian Welfare State in the Year 2000. Equality, Policy, and Reform. London: Garland Publiching, Inc.: 305-334. (30 pp.)

Eide, Kjell (1992): The Future of European Education as Seen from the North. In: Comparative Education, vol. 28 no. 1: 9-17. (9 pp.) Forsberg, Eva and Lundgren, Ulf P. (2004): Sweden: A Welfare State in Transition. In: Rothberg, I. (ed.): Balancing Change and tradition in Global Education Reform. Lanham, Maryland: ScarecrowEducation. (16 pp.)

Frímannsson, Gudmundur H. (2006): Is there a Nordic modell in education? In: Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, vol. 50, no. 3:223-228. (6 pp.)

Hansen, Erik J. (1973): The Problem of Equality in the Danish Educational Structure. In: Acta sociologica, 16, no 4: 258-278. (21 pp.)

Hansen, Erik J. (1996): The first generation in the welfare state: a cohort analysis. In: The Danish National Institute of Social Research, 96:4, Copenhagen: 6-40. (35 pp.)

Harbo, Torstein (1992): Quality vs Equality: The Scandinavian Case in an International Perspective. In: Garrido, José Luis Garcia et. al. (ed.): Educational Reforms and Innovations Facing the 21st Century: a Comparative Approach, 14th CESE Conference: 185-196. (12 pp.)

Hjort, Katrin (2006): De-democratisation in Denmark. In: European Educational Research Journal, vol. 5, 3-4: 1-12. (12 pp.)

Holmen, A. and Risager, K. (2003): Language and culture teaching. Foreign languages and Danish as a second language. In: International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 159: 93-108. (16 pp.)

Holmesland, Icara da Silva (1998): The Comprehensive Schools in Norway: Challenged by a Changing Society. In: Tjeldvoll, Arild (ed.): Education and the Scandinavian Welfare State in the Year 2000. Equality, Policy, and Reform. London: Garland Publiching, Inc.: 249-265. (17 pp.)

Horst, C. (2001): Can the Concept of the Multicultural Education be incorporated in the National Concept of ‘Bildung’? In: Urban Futures Anthology. Ministry of Industri, Employment and Communications. Sweden: 1-15. (15 pp.)

Husén, Torsten (1998): The Swedish School Reforms: Trends and Issues. In: Tjeldvoll, Arild (ed.): Education and the Scandinavian Welfare State in the Year 2000. Equality, Policy, and Reform. London: Garland Publiching, Inc.: 99-111. (13 pp.)

H?jby, Sigurd (1958): A new look in education. In: Danish foreign office journal, no. 29, K?benhavn 1958: 13-16. (4 pp.)

Iván, Anne-Lise Th. (1998): Upper Secondary School Reform in Norway. In: Tjeldvoll, Arild (ed.): Education and the Scandinavian Welfare State in the Year 2000. Equality, Policy, and Reform. London: Garland Publiching, Inc.:195-221. (27 pp.)

Johannesson, Ingolfur A. et. al. (2002): An Inevitable Progress? Educational Restructuring in Finland, Iceland, and Sweden at the Turn of the Millennium. In: Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, vol. 46, no. 3: 325-339. (15 pp.)

Jónasson, Jon T. (1989): The Foes of Icelandic Vocational Education at the Upper Secondary Level. In: Tjeldvoll, Arild (ed.): Education and the Scandinavian Welfare State in the Year 2000. Equality, Policy, and Reform. London: Garland Publiching, Inc.:267-303. (37 pp.)

Jónasson, Jon T. (2003): Does the state expand schooling? A study based on five Nordic countries. In: Comparative Education Review. Chicago, vol. 47, Iss. 2: 160-183. (24 pp.)

Korsgaard, Ove and Wiborg, Susanne (2006): Grundtvig – the Key to Danish Education? In: Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, vol. 50, no. 3: 361-382. (22 pp.)

Kyr?, Matti and Nyyss?l?, Kari (2006): Attitudes towards Education in Finland and other Nordic Countries. In: European Journal of Education. Dorchester-on-Thames: vol. 41, Iss. 1: 59-70,151. (13 pp.)

Lauglo, Jon (1985): Educational Change and the Control Question: Scandinavian Perspectives. In: Lauglo, Jon and MCLean, Martin (ed.): The Control of Education. International Perspectives on the Centralization-decentralization Debate. London: Heinemann Educational Books: 129-141. (13 pp.) ¤

Linnakyl?, Pirjo and Lie, Svein (2004): Nordic PISA 2000 in a Sociocultural Perspective. In: Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, vol. 48, no. 3: 227 30 (4pp.)

Lowe, John and Istance, David (1989): Quality: Schools and Quaity. An International Report. OECD. Paris: 9-26. (18 pp.)

Lundgren, Ulf P. (2001): Governing the Education Sector: International trends, main themes and approaches. Governance for Quality of Education. In: The Open Society Institute, Washington: 25 - 37. (13 pp.)

Lundgren, Ulf P. (2002): Political Governing of the Educational Sector: Reflections of Change. In: Studies in Educational Policy and Educational Philosophy, E-journal 2002:1: 1-12. (12 pp.)

Lundgren, Ulf P. (2003) The Political Governing (Governance) of Education and Evaluation. In: Haug, Peder and Scwandt, Thomas A. Evaluating Educational Reforms: Scandina-vian Perspectives. Greenwich, Conn.: Information Age Publishing. A volume in evaluation and society: 99-110. (12 pp.). *

Lysne, Anders (2006): Assessment Theory and Practice of Students’ Outcomes in the Nordic Countries. In: Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, vol. 50, no. 3: 327-330, 344-359. (20 pp.)

Miron, Gary (1998): Restructuring Education in Sweden. In: Tjeldvoll, Arild (ed.): Education and the Scandinavian Welfare State in the Year 2000. Equality, Policy, and Reform. London: Garland Publiching, Inc.:151-172. (22 pp.)

Munk, M. D. (2000): Social Inequality in the Welfare State. Paper presented at: X Nordic Social Policy Seminar Oslo 17-19 aug. 2000: 3-18. (16 pp.)

Risto, Rinne and Kivinen, Osmo (2003): The Nordic Welfare State Model and European Union Educational Policies. In: Rasmussen, Palle (ed.): Educational Policy and the Global Social Order, Aalborg University Printing Office: 23-42. (20 pp.)

Sepp?nen, Piia (2003): Education Policy Changes in Finland in a Comparative Perspective: School Choice within the Public Sector. In: Rasmussen, Palle (ed.): Educational Policy and the Global Social Order, Aalborg University Printing Office: 55-66. (12 pp.)

Str?th, Bo (2004): Nordic Modernity: Origins, Trajectories and Prospects. In: Thesis Eleven, 77: 5-23. (19 pp.)

Telhaug, Alfred (2006): The Nordic Modell in Education: Education as part of the political system in the last 50 years. In: Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, vol. 50, no. 3: 245-283. (39 pp.)

Tjeldvoll, Arild (1998): Quality of Equality? Scandinavian Education Toward the Year 2000. In: Tjeldvoll, Arild (ed.): Education and the Scandinavian Welfare State in the Year 2000. Equality, Policy, and Reform. London: Garland Publiching, Inc.: 3-21. (19 pp.)

Tjeldvoll, Arild (2006): Norwegian Education Oscillating between the Welfare State and the Market. In: Yihong, Fan et. al. (ed.): Assuring University Learning Quality: Cross-Boundary Collaboration, Trondheim: Tapir Academic Press: 26-40. (15 pp.)

Tulasiewicz, Witold and Brock, Colin (1994): Education in a Single Europe – Introduction. In: Tulasiewicz, Witold and Brock, Colin (ed.): Education in a Single Europe. London: Routledge: 1-13, 16-20. (19 pp.)

Vabo, Mia (2005): From Personal Trust to Contract Control. In: New Public Management in Nordic Welfare States, Janus, 13, 2: 172-178. (7 pp.)

Wiborg, Susanne (2004): Education and Social Integration – a Comparative Study of the Comprehensive School System in Scandinavia. In: Buk-Berge, Elisabeth (ed.): Education Across Borders. Comparative Studies, Oslo: Didakta Norsk Forlag AS: 205-216. (12 pp.)

In total 761 pages

Antall studenter: 30

Published Apr. 2, 2009 3:30 PM - Last modified May 11, 2009 11:44 AM