The lecture with professor Jordell 27th november is cancelled due to illness.
Lectures 20th and 21th is cancelled.
The deadline for the termpaper has been moved to december, 19th.
Lectures starts at 3th of november.
All applicants who registered for this course have been granted a place. The results can be found in the Studentweb Friday the 15th of august. There are still places left.
Evaluation of the course
This course will undergo evaluation this semester and students will be asked to give their responses by the teaching staff at the end of the course. Your views are grately appreciated!
All applicants who registered for this course have been granted a place. The results can be found in the Studentweb Tuesday the 17th of june. There are still places left.
Kompendie finnes ? kj?pe p? Akademika. (Kode: PED1330)
You can buy the "kompendium" at the "kopiutsalg" in the University Bookstore, Code: PED1330.