The examination results are now published in Studentweb.
The examination results in PED2104 will be published in Studentweb Thursday 15.12.
Resultatet av obligatorisk aktivitet er n? publisert i Studentweb.
The result of the obligatory assignment is now published in Studentweb.
Vi minner om at nettskjemaet som er sendt ut ang?ende valg av eksamensspr?k m? besvares innen 1.11. De studentene som ikke besvarer nettskjemaet vil automatisk bli satt med engelsk som spr?k p? eksamen.
During week 40, an online questionnaire was circulated, giving you the option to choose the language you will use to answer your exam in PED2104. The deadline to respond is, as previously communicated, by 1 November. If you have not given a response by the deadline, we will assume that you will be writing your exam in English.
The exam question and information about the exam, will be given exclusively in English, independently of the language you have chosen to answer the exam. Should you change your mind regarding your choice of language, the last chance to notify us will be by 4 November. After this deadline, it will not be possible to change the language.
It has been clarified with the Subject Manager and the Institute, that concepts which are hard to translate to Norwegian can still be written in English, also for those who chose to answer the exam in Norwegian.
Alle studenter i PED2104 har f?tt en mail med link til et nettskjema hvor du skal velge hvilket spr?k du vil skrive din eksamensbesvarelse i PED2104. Denne m? besvares innen 1.november.
All students in the course have recieved an e-mail with a link to a survey were you have to choose if you would like to write your exam in English or Norwegian. You need to choose your exam language before 1.November.
We would like to remind all students that today is the final deadline for exam registration and payment of the semester fee.
Welcome to PED2104!
We would like to remind all studentes that there is mandatory attendance in the first lecture in this course.
The schedule for the seminar groups in PED2104 has been updated. The time for the last seminar for group 1, 2 and 3 has been changed.