Teaching - time and place

Comparative and International Education

Not all of the dates below will be used. Full list of lectures can be found under "Detailed Teaching Plan": /studier/emner/uv/pfi/PED1420/v07/undervisningsplan/

  • Tuesday 12:15 -14:00,?Grupperom 1?Georg Sverdrups hus

    Teaching: 13. February?-?27. March and 10. April?-?24. April

  • Wednesday 10:15 -12:00,?Seminarrom 234?Helga Engs hus ( 14. February to 14. March)

  • Wednesday?2. May 10:15 -12:00,?Seminarrom 233?Helga Engs hus

  • Wednesday?2. May 12:15 -14:00,?Seminarrom 234?Helga Engs hus

Arild Tjeldvoll, Jon Lauglo, Sheri Lee Bastien

Published Oct. 24, 2006 7:15 PM - Last modified Mar. 29, 2007 4:00 PM