
Universitetet i Oslo

Pedagogisk forskningsinstitutt



Oppdatert 19. desember 2003?

Arnove Robert & Torres, Carlos (Ed.): Comparative education. The dialectic of the global and the local, 1999. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publ.. “Introduction” og kap.1 og 4.

Brock-Utne, Birgit: Multicultural education and development education, 1998. Nordisk pedagogik. Nr. 1, s. 1-15. Kompendium*.

Brock-Utne, Birgit: Skolegang for jenter i u-land, 2000. Gyldendal Akademisk Forlag. I Imsen, Gunn (red.): Kj?nn og likestilling i grunnskolen, s. 150-163*..

Brock-Utne, Birgit: Utdanning i Afrika, 2000. Kirke og Kultur. Nr.4, s. 325-337*.

Brock-Utne, Birgit: The Language Question in Africa in the light of Globalisation, Social Justice and Democracy, 2003. International Journal of Peace Studies. Vol. 8. No.2. s. 67-88.*.

Dale Roger: Specifying globalization effects on national policy: a focus on the mechanisms, 1999. Journal of Education Policy. Nr.1, s.1-17. *.

Epstein, Erwin: Comparative and international Education.: Overview and historical Development, 1994. Pergamon Press. I (Ed.) Husen Torstein & Postlewaithe Neiwille The International Encyclopedia of Education, Vol. 2, s. 918-922. *.

Hans Nicholas: Comparative education, 1958. Routledge & Kegan Paul. Kap.1 s.1-16. *.

Kazamias Andreas & Schwartz Karl: Intellectual and ideological perspectives in comparative education: An interpretation, 1977. Comparative Education Review. Vol.21, No.2 & 3.

Lie Svein, Kj?rnsli Marit m.fl.: Godt rustet for framtida? Norske 15-?ringers kompetanse i lesing og realfag i et internasjonalt perspektiv, 2001. OECD Programme for International Student Assesment, Norge. Acta Didactica (ILS) 2001, Nr. 4, Kap. 1, 2, 6, 11, 14.

McLean Martin: Educational Traditions Compared, 1995. David Fulton Publishers. Kap. 2, s.20-47. *.

Mebrahtu, T.: Development Education, 1994. Pergamon Press. I (Ed.) Husen Torstein & Postlewaithe Neiwille The International Encyclopedia of Education, Vol. 3, s. 1494-1501. *.

Mikkelsen Rolf, Buk-Berge Elisabeth m.fl.: Demokratisk beredskap og engasjement hos 9. klassinger i Norge og 27 andre land, 2001. Civic Education Study. Norge 2001. Acta Didactica, (ILS), nr.1, kap.1 og 4. .

Noah Harold & Eckstein Max: Defining comparative education: conceptions, 1998. Comp.Ed.Research Centre, The University of Hong Kong. I Noah Harold & Eckstein Max: Doing comparative education: three decades of collaboration, s.35-40. *.

Noah Harold & Eckstein Max: Use and abuse of comparative education, 1998. Comp.Ed.Research Centre, The University of Hong Kong. I Noah Harold & Eckstein Max: Doing comparative education: three decades of collaboration, s.57-67. *.

NOU 2003: 16: I f?rste rekke, Kap.10. Se

Paulston Rolland: Comparative and international education: Paradigms and theories, 1994. Pergamon Press. I (Ed.) Husen Torstein & Postlewaithe Neiwille The International Encyclopedia of Education, Vol.2, p. 923-932. *.

Philips David Oxford: On comparing, 1999. Symposium Books. I Alexander Robin, Broadfoot Patricia, Philips David (Ed.): Learning from comparing: new directions in comparative educational research. Vol.1, s.15-20. **.

Robinson Peter: The tyranny of league tables: international comparisons of educational attainment and economic performance, 1999. Oxford: Symposium Books. I Alexander Robin, Broadfoot Patricia, Philips David (Ed.): Learning from comparing: new directions in comparative educational research, Vol. 1, s.217-235. **.

Sadler, Michael: How Far Can We Learn Anything of Practical Value From the Study of Foreign Systems of Education, 1979. Dejall & Meyorre International Publishers. I J. H. Higginson (Ed.) Selections from Michael Sadler, s.48-51. *.

Winther-Jensen, Thyge: International komparativ p?dagogik. Faglig tradition og global udfordring, 2004. Akademisk Forlag, K?benhavn. Hele boken.

Tre selvvalgte kap. fra:

Arnove Robert & Torres Carlos (Ed.): Comparative education. The dialectic of the global and the local, 1999. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publ.

og 400 sider relatert til prosjektet.

En stjerne: Teksten finnes i kompendie. F?s kj?pt hos kopiutsalget. To stjerner: Boken finnes flere steder i pensum

Publisert 27. okt. 2003 17:31 - Sist endret 19. des. 2003 13:18