
Bachelor and master

Efklides, A. Kuhl & Sorrento, R (eds): Trends and prospects in motivation research, 2001. London, Kluwer academic publishers. Chapter: 2,5,6,14,15 .

Halisch, F & Kuhl, J: Motivation, intension and volition, 1987. Berlin, Springer verlag. Ch. 2-4,14.

Pintrich, P. R. Brown, D.R & Weinstein, C.E (eds): Students motivation, cognition and learning, 1994. Hilsdale, New Jersey. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Ch 4-7,14.

Gjesme, Torgrim & Nyg?rd, Roald: Advances in motivation, 1996. Oslo/Oxford, Scandinavian university press. Ch. 7,8,13,14.

Gjesme, Torgrim: Is there any future in achievement motivation? Motivation and emotion, 1981. vol5. no2. p. 115-138.

Porter, L, Bigley, B & Steers, R: Motivation and work behavior, 2003. New York, McGraw Hill. Ch. 2-5,7.

Additional readings for Master PED4660

Halisch, F, kuhl, J: Motivation, intension and volition, 1987. Springer verlag. Ch. 5,6,17.

Porter, L, Bigley, B & Steers, R: Motivation and work behavior, 2003. New York, McGraw Hill. Ch. 8,9.

Nyg?rd, Roald & Gjesme, Torgrim: Assessment of achievement motives: Comments and suggestions, 1973. Scandinavian journal of educational research. p 17,19-46.

Published Dec. 14, 2004 12:57 PM - Last modified Dec. 14, 2004 1:15 PM