Syllabus/achievement requirements

Unit 1: History and Philosophy of Education

Ben-David, Joseph: ‘The Professionalization of Research in the United States’ in The Scientist’s Role in Society. 1984. University of Chicago Press. pp.139-168.

[Anon.]: University Reform in Germany, 1970. Minerva vol 8 no 2. pp. 242-250.

Anderson, R.D.: ‘Germany and the Humboldtian model,’ in R. D. Anderson: European Universities from the Enlightenment to 1914, 2004. Oxford University Press. pp. 51-65.

Ben-David, Joseph: ‘Education for the Professions’. In: Centers of Learning, 1992 [1977]. Transaction Publishers. pp. 29-70.

Ben-David, Joseph, ‘German Scientific Hegemony and the Emergence of Organized Science’. In: The Scientist’s Role in Society. 1984. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. pp.108-138.

Frijhoff, William: ’Patterns’ in H. de Ridder-Symoens (ed): A History of the University in Europe, vol. II, 1996. Cambridge University Press. pp. 43-80.

Habermas, Jürgen: ‘The Idea of the University: Learning Processes’ in New German Critique, No. 41, (1987), pp. 3-22.

Kerr, Clark: ‘The idea of a multiversity’ in Clark Kerr, The Uses of the University, 1995. Harvard University Press. pp. 1-34.

Labaree, David F.: ‘Mutual Subversion: A Short History of the Liberal and the Professional in American Higher Education.’ History of Education Quarterly Vol. 46 No. 1 Spring 2006, pp. 1-15.

Newman, John Henry: ‘Discourse V: Knowledge: Its Own End’. In: The Idea of a University. 1999 [1852]. Regnery Publishing, pp. 91-112.

Rothblatt, Sheldon: ‘The limbs of Osiris: liberal education in the English-speaking world’ in S.Rothblatt and B. Wittrock (eds): The European and American University Since 1800. 1993. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 19-73.

Turner, R. Steven: ‘Humboldt in North America? Reflections on the Research University and its Historians’ in R. C. Schwinges (ed): Humboldt International. Der Export des deutschen Universit?tsmodells im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, 2001. Basel: Schwabe & Co,. pp. 289-312.

Recommended reading

Ben-David, Joseph (1964). Scientific Growth: A Sociological View. Minerva, 2(4), pp. 455-476.

Charle, Christophe: ’Patterns’ W. Rüegg  (ed): A History of the University in Europe, vol. III, 2004. Cambridge University Press, pp. 33-80.

Hohr, Hansj?rg (2011). Aesthetic Quality in Scientific Experience. The problem of reference in John Dewey's aesthetics. Nordic Studies in Education, Vol. 32, pp. 196-208

Nordendo, Sven Erik (2002). Bildung and the Thinking of Bildung. Journal of Philosophy of Education, vol 36, no. 3.

Rüegg, Walter: ‘Themes’ in W. Rüegg  (ed): A History of the University in Europe, vol. III, 2004. Cambridge University Press, pp. 3-33.

Turner, R. Steven: ‘The Growth of Professorial Research in Prussia, 1818 to 1848-Causes and Context’,  Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences, Vol. 3 (1971), pp. 137-182

Watson, Peter, ‘Humboldt’s Gift: The Invention of Research and the Prussian (Protestant) Concept of Learning. In: Peter Watson ‘The German Genius. Europe’s Third Renaissance, the Second Scientific revolution, and the Twentieth Century.’ 2010. London: Simon & Schuster, pp. 225-239.







Unit 2: Students and Staff in Higher Education

Anindito Aditomo , Peter Goodyear , Ana-Maria Bliuc & Robert A. Ellis (2011): Inquiry-based learning in higher education: principal forms, educational objectives, and disciplinary variations, Studies in Higher Education, 38(9), 1239-1258 (22 pages).

Ashwin, P: Accounting for structure and agency in ‘close-up’ research on teaching, learning and assessment in higher education, 2008. International Journal of Educational Research, 47. 151–158 (8 pages).

Benson, Robyn & Brack, C: Developing the scholarship of teaching: what is the role of e-teaching and learning?, 2009. Teaching in Higher Education, Vol. 14, No. 1. ISBN: pp. 71-80 (10 pages).

Brint, S., Cantwell, A., and Hanneman, R. (2008). Two Cultures of Undergraduate Academic Engagement. Research in Higher Education, 49, 383–402.

Enders, J: The Academic Profession, 2007. In Forest, J. & Altbach, P., Eds, International Handbook of Higher Education, pp. 5-21.

Ensor, P: Contesting Discourses in Higher Education Curriculum Restructuring in South Africa, 2004. Higher Education, vol 48, number 3. pp. 339-359.

Havnes, A: Peer-mediated learning beyond the curriculum, 2008. Studies in Higher Education, vol 33, number 2. pp. 193-204.

Healy, Mick : Linking Research and Teaching: Exploring Disciplinary Spaces and the Role of Inquiry-based Learning , 2005. In. R Barnett (ed) Reshaping the University. Maidenhead: SRHE/ Open University Press. pp. 67-78.

Helle, L., Tynj?l?, P., Vesterinen, P: Work-related project as a learning environment, 2006. In Tynj?l?, P., V?limaa, J., Boulton-Lewis, G., Eds, Higher education and working life – collaborations, confrontations and challenges. Amsterdam: Elsevier . pp. 195-208.

Henkel, M : Academic Identity and autonomy in a changing policy environment, 2005. Higher Education vol. 49, number 1-2. pp. 155-176.

Jawitz, J: Academic identities and communities of practice in a professional discipline, 2009. Teaching in Higher Education, vol. 14, number 3. pp. 241-251.

Jones, A: Redisciplining generic attributes: the disciplinary context in focus, 2009. Studies in Higher Education, Vol. 34, No. 1. pp. 85-100.

Karseth, B. : Curriculum Restructuring in Higher Education after the Bologna , 2006. Revista Espa?ola de Educación Comparada, vol 12. pp. 255-284.

Leathwood, C : Assessment policy and practice in higher education: purpose, standards , 2005. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education. pp. 307-324.

Mann, S: Alternative perspectives on the student experience: alienation and engagement , 2001. Studies in Higher Education, vol. 26, number 1. pp. 7-19.

Mastekaasa, A and Smeby, J-C: Educational choice and persistence in male- and female –dominated fields, 2008. Higher Education vol 55 number 2. pp. 189-202 .

Muller, J. & Young, M. (2014). Disciplines, skills and the university. Higher Education, 67, 127–140. (14 pages)

Nerland, M. & Jensen, K: The construction of a new professional self: a critical reading of the curricula for nurses and computer engineers in Norway, 2007. In A. Brown, S. Kirpal & F. Rauner, Eds: Identities at Work, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. . pp. 339-360.

Simons, M. & Elen, J: The ‘research–teaching nexus’ and ‘education through research’: an exploration of ambivalences, 2007. Studies in Higher Education vol 32 no 5. pp. 617-631.

Slaughter, S : The Political Economy of Curriculum-Making in American Universities, 2002. In Brint, S (ed) The Future of the city of intellect: the changing American university . Stanford: Stanford University Press. pp. 260-289.

Tight, M : Researching Higher Education, 2012. Maidenhead: SRHE/ Open University Press. Chapter 10-11.

Trowler, P: Beyond epistemological essentialism: academic tribes in the twenty-first century, 2009. In Kreber, C. (Ed),The University and its Disciplines. Teaching and Learning Within and Beyond Disciplinary Boundaries. London: Routledge. pp. 181-195.

Published May 6, 2014 2:02 PM - Last modified Oct. 29, 2014 11:05 AM