Syllabus/achievement requirements

Unit 1: History and Philosophy of Education UPDATED MAY 2011

[Anon.]: University Reform in Germany, 1970. Minerva vol 8 no 2. pp. 242-250.

Anderson, R.D.: Germany and the Humboldtian model”, “Curriculum and Culture”, and “Enrolments and Social Patterns”, in R. D. Anderson: European Universities from the Enlightenment to 1914, 2004. Oxford University Press. pp. 51-65. 103-137.

Frijhoff, William: ’Patterns’ in H. de Ridder-Symoens (ed): A History of the University in Europe, vol. 2, 1996. Cambridge University Press. pp. 43-80.

Geiger, Roger: The Home of Scientists: A Perspective on University Research’, in B. Wittrock and Aant Elzinga, The University Research System. The Public Policies of the Home of Scientists, 1985. Stockholm : Almqvist & Wiksell. pp. 53-72.

Gibbons, Michael, et al. : The New Production of Knowledge, 1984. London: Sage. pp. 1-16, 70-89.

Kerr, Clark: The idea of a multiversity" in Clark Kerr, The Uses of the University, 1995. Harvard University Press. pp. 1-34.

Kerr, Clark: Ex Post – The Climacteric in Review”, in Clark Kerr, The Great Transformation in Higher Education 1960-1980, 1991. State University of New York Press. pp. 141-161.

Porter, Roy: scientific revolution and universities” in H. de Ridder-Symoens (ed): A History of the University in Europe, vol. 2, 1996. Cambridge University Press. pp. 531-562.

Rothblatt, Sheldon: The limbs of Osiris: liberal education in the English-speaking world? in S.Rothblatt and B. Wittrock (eds): The European and American university since 1800, 1993. Cambridge University Press. pp. 19-73.

Rüegg, Walter: Themes? in H. de Ridder-Symoens (ed): A History of the University in Europe, vol. 1, 1992. Cambridge University Press. pp. 3-34.

Turner, R. Steven: Humboldt in North America? Reflections on the Research University and its Historians? in R. C. Schwinges (ed) Humboldt International. Der Export des deutschen Universit?tsmodells im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert,, 2001. Basel: Schwabe & Co,. pp. 289-312.

Turner, R. Steven:: The Growth of Professional Research in Prussia, 1818 to 1848 – Causes and Context?, Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences 3, 1971. University of California Press. pp. 137-182.

Unit 2: Students and Staff in Higher Education

Brew, A: Conceptions of Research: a phenomenografic, 2001. Studies in Higher Education vol 26, no 3. pp. 272-285.

de Freitas, S and Oliver, M : Does E-learning Policy Drive Change in Higher , 2005. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management vol. 27, number 1 . pp. 81-92.

Enders, J: The Academic Profession, 2007. In Forest, J. & Altbach, P., Eds, International . pp. 5-21.

Ensor, P: Contesting Discourses in Higher Education Curriculum Restructuring in South Africa, 2004. Higher Education, vol 48, number 3. pp. 339-359.

Havnes, A: Peer-mediated learning beyond the curriculum, 2008. Studies in Higher Education, vol 33, number 2. pp. 193-204.

Healy, Mick : Linking Research and Teaching: Exploring Disciplinary Spaces and the , 2005. In. R Barnett (ed) Reshaping the University. Maidenhead: SRHE/ Open University Press. pp. 67-78.

Helle, L., Tynj?l?, P., Vesterinen, P: Work-related project as a learning environment, 2006. In Tynj?l?, P., V?limaa, J., Boulton-Lewis, G., Eds, Higher education and working life – collaborations, confrontations and challenges Amsterdam: Elsevier . pp. 195-208.

Henkel, M : Academic Identity and autonomy in a changing policy environment, 2005. Higher Education vol. 49, number 1-2. pp. 155-176.

Jawitz, J: Academic identities and communities of practice in a professional discipline, 2009. Teaching in Higher Education, vol. 14, number 3. pp. 241-251.

Karseth, B. : Curriculum Restructuring in Higher Education after the Bologna , 2006. Revista Espa?ola de Educación Comparada, vol 12. pp. 255-284.

Leathwood, C : Assessment policy and practice in higher education: purpose, standards , 2005. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education. pp. 307-324.

Mann, S: Alternative perspectives on the student experience: alienation and engagement , 2001. Studies in Higher Education, vol. 26, number 1. pp. 7-19.

Mastekaasa, A and Smeby, J-C: Educational choice and persistence in male- and female –dominated fields, 2008. Higher education vol 55 number 2. pp. 189-202 .

Nerland, M. & Jensen, K: The construction of a new professional self: a critical reading of the curricula for nurses and computer engineers in Norway, 2007. In A. Brown, S. Kirpal & F. Rauner, Eds: Identities at Work, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. . pp. 339-360.

Robertson, J and Bond C : The Research/ Teaching Relation: A View from the Edge, 2005. Higher Education vol 50, no 3. pp. 509-535.

Sfard, A: two metaphors for learning and the dangers of choosing just one, 1998. Educational Researcher, vol. 27 no. 2. pp. 4-13.

Simons, M. & Elen, J: The 'research-teaching nexus' and 'education through , 2007. Studies in Higher Education vol 32 no 5. pp. 617-631.

Slaughter, S : The Political Economy of Curriculum-Making in American Universities, 2002. In Brint, S (ed) The Future of the city of intellect : the changing American university . Stanford: Stanford University Press. pp. 260-289.

Smeby, J.-C: Disciplinary Differences in Graduate Education in Norway, 2000. Studies in Higher Education, vol 25 no 1. pp. 53-67.

Smeby, J.-C: Knowledge Production and Knowledge Transmission. The interaction between Research and Teaching at Universities , 1998. Teaching in Higher Education vol 3 number 1. pp. 5-20.

Tight, M : Researching Higher Education, 2003. Maidenhead: SRHE/ Open University Press. Chapter 10-11.

Trowler, P: Beyond epistemological essentialism: academic tribes in the twenty-first century, 2009. In Kreber, C. (Ed),The University and its Disciplines. Teaching and Learning Within and Beyond Disciplinary Boundaries London: Routledge. pp. 181-195.

Published Apr. 5, 2011 10:32 AM - Last modified Sep. 22, 2011 4:42 PM