Syllabus/achievement requirements

Bell, Judith : Doing your research project: A guide for first-time researchers in education and social science, 1987. Philadelphia: Open University Press. Chapter 6-10. (47 pp).

Brock-Utne, Birgit : Reliability and validity in qualitative research within education in Africa., 1996. International Review of Education 42 (6). pp 1-17 (16 pp).

Bryman, Alan : Social Research methods 2nd edition, 2004. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Chapters 21 & 22. (28 pp).

Crossley, Michael : Reconceptualising Comparative and International Education, 2001. Oxford: Symposium Books. In: Keith Watson (ed.). Doing Comparative education Research: issues and problems. Chapter 2. (25p) **.

Durrheim, Kevin : Research design, 1999. Cape Town: Cape Town University Press.. In: Martin Terre Blanche & Kevin Durrheim (eds.). Research in Practice: Applied Methods for the Social sciences. Chapter 3. (12 pp) **.

Durrheim, Kevin & Wassenaar, Douglas : Putting design into practice: writing and evaluating research proposals, 1999. Cape Town: Cape Town University Press. In: Martin Terre Blanche & Kevin Durrheim (eds.). Research in Practice: Applied Methods for the Social sciences. Chapter 4. (18 pp) **.

Eagle, Gill, Hayes, Grahame & Sibanda, Thabani : Standpoint methodologies: Marxist, feminist and black scholarship perspectives., 1999. Cape Town: Cape Town University Press.. In: Martin Terre Blanche and Kevin Durrheim (eds.). Research in Practice: Applied methods for the social sciences. Chapter 23. (23 pp) **.

Goedegebuure, Leo & Frans van Vught : Comparative higher education policy studies. Intellectual context and methodological framework. , 1994. Utrecht: LEMMA. In: Leo Goedegebuure and Frans van Vught (eds.). Comparative Policy Studies in Higher Education. Chapter 1. (34p).

Kelley, Kevin : Hermeneutics in action: empathy and interpretation in qualitative research., 1999. Cape Town: Cape Town University Press. In: Martin Terre Blanche and Kevin Durrheim (eds.). Research in Practice: Applied methods for the social sciences. Chapter 21. (22 pp) **.

Kelley, Kevin : Calling it a day: reaching conclusions in interpretive research. , 1999. Cape Town: Cape Town University Press. In: Martin Terre Blanche and Kevin Durrheim (eds.). Research in Practice: Applied methods for the social sciences. Chapter 22. (16 pp) **.

Lund, Thorleif : The qualitative-quantitative distinction: some comments, 2005. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 2005, 49, pp 115-132. (16 pp).

Oakley, Ann : Interviewing women: a contradiction in terms, 1981. London: Sage. In Helen Roberts (ed.). Doing Feminist Research. Chapter 2. (31 pp) .

Preston, Rosemary : Contextual and Methodological Influences on Trends in Comparative and International Educational Research, 2001. Oxford: Symposium Books. In: Keith Watson (ed.). Doing Comparative education Research: issues and problems. Chapter 3. (15 pp) **.

Sey, James : Postmodernism: a critical practice?, 1999. Cape Town: Cape Town University Press.. In Martin Terre Blanche and Kevin Durrheim (eds.). Research in Practice: Applied methods for the social sciences. Chapter 24. (13 pp) **.

Silverman, David : Doing Qualitative Research: A practical handbook, 2000. London: Sage. (295p).

Taylor, Stephanie : Locating and Conducting Discourse Analytic Research, 2001. London: Sage. In Margaret Wetherell, Stephanie Taylor and Simeon J. Yates (eds.). Discourse as Data. Chapter 1. (48 pp)..

Vulliamy, Graham, Lewin, Keith & Stephens, David : Doing Educational Research in Developing Countries: Qualitative Strategies., 1990. London: The Falmer Press. . Chapter 1. (20 pp) .

Watson, Keith : Introduction: rethinking the role of comparative education. , 2001. Oxford: Symposium Books.. In: Keith Watson (ed.). Doing Comparative education Research: issues and problems. Introduction chapter. (11 pp) **.

Watson, Keith : Comparative Educational Research: the need for reconceptualisation and fresh insights, 2001. Oxford: Symposium Books. In: Keith Watson (ed.). Doing Comparative education Research: issues and problems. Chapter 1. (19 pp) **.

World Bank : Higher Education in Developing Countries: Peril and Promise, 2000. Washington, D. C.: The World Bank. Statistical Appendix. (37 pp).

Several chapters from the same books.

Total number of pages 746.

Published Apr. 2, 2009 3:29 PM - Last modified June 6, 2010 12:14 PM