Syllabus/achievement requirements

Unit 1 General introduction: History/ Philosophy of higher education UPDATED MAY 2011

¤Clark, Burton: The higher education system:academic organization in cross-national perspectives, 1983. University of California Press, Berkeley, California. 315 pp.

Castells, Manuel: Universities as dynamic systems of contradictory functions, 2001. In: Muller, J., Cloete, N. and Badat, S. (eds.) Challenges of Globalisation. South African debates with Manuel Castells. Maskew Miller Longman, Cape Town. pp 206-224.

Maassen, Peter: Higher Education Research: The Hourglass Structure and Its Implications, 2000. In: Teichler et al (eds) Higher Education Research. Its Relationship to Policy and Practice. Pergamon pp. 59-67

Teichler, Ulrich: The Relationship between Higher Education Research and Higher Education Policy and Practice: The Researchers’ Perspective, 2000 In: Teichler et al (eds) Higher Education Research. Its Relationship to Policy and Practice. Pergamon pp. 3-34.

Trow, Martin: Reflections on the transition from mass to universal higher education, 1970. Daedalus vol 99. Winter 1970: The Embattled University.

Wittrock, Bj?rn: The Modern University: Its three transformations, 1993. In: Sheldon, Rothblatt & Wittrock (eds.) The European and American University since 1800, Cambridge. pp 303-362.

Unit 2 Changes in higher education's primary processes

Barnett, R., G. Parry, & K. Coate: Conceptualising Curriculum Change, 2001. Teaching in Higher Education, Vol 6 Issue 4. pp. 435-449.

Becher, Tony: The Significance of Disciplinary Differences, 1994. Studies in Higher Education, Vol 19, no 2. pp. 151-161.

Brew, A. Towards a New Model of the Relationship, 2006. In: Brew, A. Research and Teaching. Beyond the Divide. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, pp.17-37.

Fry, H., Ketteridge, S., Marshall, S: Understanding student learning, 2009. In Fry, H., Ketteridge, S., Marshall, S., A handbook for teaching and learning in higher education. Routledge, pp 8-26.

Henkel, Mary : Evaluation in Higher Education: conceptual and epistemological foundations., 1998. European Journal of Education, Vol. 33. pp. 285-299.

Kember, D: Misconceptions about the Learning Approaches, Motivation and Study Practices of Asian Students, 2000. Higher Education Journal, Vol 40, Issue 1.

Kuh, George D: College Students Today. Why We Can't Leave Serendipity to Chance, 2001. In: Altbach, P. In Defense of American Higher Education. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press. Chapter 11, pp. 277-303.

Lattuca L and Stark : Shaping the College Curriculum. Academic Plans in Context, 2009. San Francisco: Jossey- Bass, p. 1-23..

Neumann, T., Parry, S., & Becher, T.: Teaching and Learning in their Disciplinary Contexts: a conceptual analysis, 2002. Studies in Higher Education, vol. 25 issue 4. pp. 405-417.

Pascarella & Tierenzini.: Studying College Students in the 21st Century: Meeting New Challenges, 1998. Review of Higher Education, vol 21 issue 5. pp. 151-165.

Stark, Joan S.: Classifying Professional Preparation Programs, 1998. The Journal of Higher Education, Vol 69, No 4. pp. 353-383.

Trigwell, K., Prosser, M., & Waterhouse, F: Relations between teachers'approaches to teaching and students' approaches to learning,, 1999. Higher Education, Vol 37 issue 1. pp. 55-70.

Tight, Malcom: Researching Higher Education, 2003. Berkshire:SRHE and Open University Press. pp.57-120.

Unit 3 The conditions under which higher education operates

Altbach, P: The Logic of Mass Higher Education, 1999. Tertiary Education and Management, Vol 5. pp 107-124.

Gornitzka, ?se: The Internationalisation of Research and Higher Education., 2008. In:?se Gornitzka et al (eds) Borderless Knowledge. pp. 1-12.

Gornitzka, ?se: Governmental Policies and Organisational Change in Higher Education, 1999. Higher Education, Vol. 38. pp. 5-31.

Gornitzka, ?se & Maassen, Peter: Hybrid Steering Approaches with respect to European Higher Education, 2000. Higher Education Policy, Vol. 13. pp. 267-285.

Gumport, Patricia: Academic Restructuring: Organizational change and institutional imperatives, 2000. Higher Education, Vol. 39. pp. 43-66.

Huisman, J., Stensaker B. and B. Kehm: Bologna, Quo vadis?, 2009. In: Kehm, B., Huisman, J. and B. Stensaker (eds) The European Higher Education Area: Perspectives on a Moving Target. Rotterdam, Sense Publishers. pp. xiii-xv.

Jongbloed, Ben: The Funding of Higher Education in Developing Countries, 2000. In: Jonbloed, B. & Teekens, H. (eds.) The Financing of Higher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa. pp. 13-43.

Maassen, P. & Cloete, N.: Global Reform Trends in Higher Education, 2002. In: Cloete, N. et al (eds.) The Transformation of Higher Education. Global pressures and local responses in South Africa. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. pp. 13-58.

Meek, V. L.: Introduction, 2003. In A. Amaral et al. (eds.) The Higher Education Managerial Revolution? Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 1-29

Musselin, Christine: Chapter 5: Change or Continuity in Higher Education Governance? Lessons Drawn from Twenty Years of National Reforms in European Countries 2005., 2005. In: Ivar Bleiklie and Mary Henkel (eds) Governing Knowledge: A Study of Continuity and Change in Higher Education. A Festschrift in Honour of Maurice Kogan. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 65-79.

Scott, Peter: Massification, Internationalization and Globalization, 1998. In: Scott, P. (ed.) The Globalization of Higher Education. SRHE & Open University Press, Buckingham. pp. 108-130.

Published Apr. 5, 2011 10:32 AM - Last modified Aug. 18, 2011 6:11 PM