Syllabus/achievement requirements

Recommended Readings, differentiated between (a) Required and (b) Supplementary

14.1. General Resources

Academic journals:

  • Higher Education journals: Higher Education; Studies in Higher Education; Higher Education Policy; Review of Higher Education; Higher Education Research and Development; European Journal of Education.
  • Political science/Public administration/Public policy journals: Governance; West European Politics; Journal of European Public Policy; Administrative Science Quarterly; Journal of Common Market Studies; Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory; European Political Science Review.

Online Resources:

  • HEDDA blog
  • International Higher Education
  • GLOBED Newsletter
  • ERASMUS+ Journal
  • Eurydice newsletter
  • Ideas – ERC’s newsletter
  • Europe of Knowledge blog (


14. 2. Course reading (required and supplementary)

1. Introduction to the notion of the Knowledge Society. Basic introduction to the connections among education, politics and the economy. Basic terms and concepts: knowledge, the construction of knowledge, knowledge society, knowledge economy

Powell, W.W and K. Snellman (2004) The Knowledge Economy. Annual Review of Sociology, Vol. 30: 199-220.

Maassen, P. and B. Stensaker (2011). "The knowledge triangle, European higher education policy logics and policy implications." Higher Education, Vol 61(6): 757-769.



Gornitzka, ?., P. Maassen , J.P. Olsen, and B. Stensaker (2007) “Europe of Knowledge”: Search for a new pact. In: P. Maassen and J.P. Olsen (eds.) University Dynamics and European Integration, Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 181-214.

Young, M. and J. Muller (2010) Three Educational Scenarios for the Future: lessons from the sociology of knowledge. European Journal of Education, Vol. 45 (1), pp. 11-27.


2. The Interaction between the supranational, national and institutional levels in higher education governance. How can the relationship between the different levels in a multi-level governance system be interpreted from the perspective of the knowledge society? The Bologna process and its implication for European higher education.

In addition: Explanation of group work assignment and student presentation. One day given for students to work and prepare presentation

Winckler, G. (2012) The European Debate on the Modernization Agenda for Universities. What has happened since 2000? In: M. Kwiek and A. Kurkiewicz (eds.) The Modernization of European Universities. Cross-National Academic Perspectives. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, pp. 235-249.

P. Maassen, E. Moen and B. Stensaker (2011) - Reforming higher education in the Netherlands and Norway: the role of the state and national modes of governance, Policy Studies, Vol. 32, Issue 5, pp. 479-495.

Slaughter, S. and B. Cantwell (2012) Transatlantic moves to the market. The United States and the European Union. Higher Education, 63 (5), pp. 583-606.

Gornitzka, ?. and P. Maassen (2014), ‘Dynamics of convergence and divergence: exploring accounts of higher education policy change’. In: P. Mattei (ed.), University Adaptation in Difficult Economic times, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 13–30.



DiMaggio, P.J. and W.W. Powell (1983) The iron cage revisited – institutional isomorphism and collective rationality in organizational fields. American Sociological Review, Vol. 48(2):147-160.

Scharpf, F. (2001) Notes toward a theory of multilevel governing in Europe. Scandinavian Political Studies, Vol. 24: 1-26.

Keeling, R. (2006) The Bologna Process and the Lisbon Research Agenda: the European Commission’s expanding role in higher education discourse. European Journal of Education, Vol. 41(2): 203-224.

Olsen, J.P. (2007) - The Institutional Dynamics of the European University. In: P. Maassen and J.P. Olsen (eds.) University Dynamics and European Integration, Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 25-54.

Huisman, J., Adelman, C., Hsieh, C., Shams, F., & Wilkins, S. (2012). Europe's bologna process and its impact on global higher education. In D. Deardorff, H. Wit, J. Heyl, & T. Adams (Eds.), The SAGE handbook of international higher education. (pp. 81-101). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. doi:


3. Student preparation of presentations


4. Europe of Knowledge and its global relevance.

J.P. Olsen and P. Maassen (2007). European debates on the Knowledge Institution: The Modernization of the University at the European Level. In: P. Maassen and J.P. Olsen (eds.) University Dynamics and European Integration, Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 3-25.

Chou, M-H. and ?. Gornitzka (2014) Building a European Knowledge Area: An introduction to the dynamics of policy domains on the rise. In: M-H. Chou and ? Gornitzka (eds.) Building the Knowledge Economy in Europe. New Constellations in European Research and Higher Education Governance. Cheltenham: Edgar Elgar, pp.1-27.


Corbett, A. (2005) Universities and the Europe of knowledge: ideas, institutions and policy entrepreneurship in European Community higher education policy, 1955-2005. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke

Gornitzka, ?. (2010) Bologna in context: a horizontal perspective on the dynamics of governance sites for a Europe of Knowledge. European Journal of Education, Vol.45(4): 535-548.

Gornitzka, ?. And J. Metz (2014) Dynamics of institution building in the Europe of Knowledge: the birth of the European Research Council. In: M-H. Chou and ? Gornitzka (eds.) Building the Knowledge Economy in Europe. New Constellations in European Research and Higher Education Governance. Cheltenham: Edgar Elgar, pp. 81-111.

Gornitzka, ?. and J. Metz (2014) European institution building under inhospitable conditions – the unlikely establishment of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology. In: M-H. Chou and ? Gornitzka (eds.) Building the Knowledge Economy in Europe. New Constellations in European Research and Higher Education Governance. Cheltenham: Edgar Elgar, pp.111-131.


Updated December 2015.


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Published Dec. 18, 2015 7:40 PM - Last modified Dec. 18, 2015 7:40 PM