Syllabus/achievement requirements

Updated November 2017


Equity, Quality and Relevance

Understanding equity, quality and relevance : Concepts, dimensions and interrelationships (437 pp)   

Aikman, S. and E. Unterhalter. 2013. Gender equality, capabilities and the terrain of quality education. In Tikly, L. & A.M. Barrett (Eds.) Education Quality and Social Justice in the Global South. Challenges for policy, practice and research. London: Routledge, 25-39 (10 pp)

Barrett, A., R. Chawla-Duggen, J. Lowe, J. Nikel, E. Ukpo. 2006.The Concept of Quality in Education. Review of ‘international’ literature on the concept of quality in education. EdQual Working Paper, Quality No. 2. (16 pp). Electronically available here 

Engel, L. A. and D. Rutkowski. 2014. Global Influences on national Definitions of Quality Education: examples from Spain and Italy. Policy Futures in Education Vol 12, No. 6, pp. 769-783 (11 pp)

Farrell, Joseph P. 2013. Equality of Education: A Half-Century of Comparative Evidence Seen from a New Millennium. In Arnove, R.E., C.A. Torres & S. Franz, Comparative Education. The Dialectic of the Global and the Local. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield Publisher, Fourth Edition, 149-174 (20 pp)

Kabeer, N. 2000. Social Exclusion, poverty and discrimination. Towards an analytical framework. IDS Bulletin Vol. 31, No. 4, 83-97 (12 pp).Electronically available here

Kendall, Nancy. 2008. Vulnerability in AIDS-affected states: Rethinking child rights, educational institutions and development paradigms. International Journal of Educational Development, 28. 365-383 (18 pp). Electronically available here

Kubow, P. K. and P. R. Fossum. 2007. Comparative Education: Exploring Issues in International Context. New Jersey: Pearson Merill, Prentice Hall. Ch. 4, 125-156 (31 pp)

Lauglo, J. 2015. Does ethnic identification promote integration into the larger society? A study of youth in Oslo. Ethnicities. Electronically available here, pp. 1-26 (23 pp.)

Le Fanu, G. 2013. Reconceptualising inclusive education in international development. In Tikly, L. & A.M. Barrett (Eds.) Education Quality and Social Justice in the Global South. Challenges for policy, practice and research. London: Routledge, 40-55 (12 pp)

Lewin, K. 2015. Educatonal access, equity, and development: Planning to make rights realities. Fundamentals of Educational Planning 98. UNESCO: IIEP. Ch. 1, pp. 29-45 (16 pp) Available on IIEP website

Schweisfurth, M. 2013. Learner-centred education in international perspective. Whose pedagogy for whose development? London, Routledge, 37-57 (20 pp)

Shah, S. 2016. Education, Leadership and Islam. Theories, discourses and practices from an Islamic perspective. New York/London, Routledge, pp. 137-169 (32 pp)

Tikly, L. and A.M. Barrett. 2013. Education quality and social justice in the global South: towards a conceptual framework. In Tikly, L. & A.M. Barrett (Eds.) Education Quality and Social Justice in the Global South. Challenges for policy, practice and research. London: Routledge, 11-24 (10 pp)

Tomasevski, Katarina. 2006. Human Rights Obligations in Education. The 4-A Scheme. Nijmegen, Wolf Legal Publishers, pp. 1-148 (148 pp)

UNESCO. 2015. Education for All 2000-2015. Achievements and Challenges. Paris: UNESCO, pp. 187-217 (28 pp) Electronically available

UNESCO. 2005. Education for All: the Quality Imperative. EFA Global Monitoring Report. Paris: UNESCO. 27-37 (10 pp).Electronically available here 

UNICEF. 2012. Global evaluation of life skills education programmes. New York: Unicef (20 pp)

Youth, gender and social change (222  pp)

Brown, P. 2003. The opportunity trap: education and employment in a global economy. European Educational Research Journal, 2 (1), 141-179 (38 pp)

Howard, K. A. S. 2011. Career aspirations of youth: Untangling race/ethnicity, SES, and gender.  Journal of Vocational Behavior 79, 98–109 (11 pp)

Lauglo, J. and F. Liu. 2016 (draft). Gender Disparities in Adolescents’ Expectation of Higher Education. A Study of 8th graders in 50 countries, pp. 1-23 (23 pp)

Liu. F. 2014. From degendering to (re)gendering the self: Chinese youth negotiating modern womanhood. Gender and Education, Vol. 26, Issue 1, 18-34 (17 pp)

Pyke, K. D. and Denise L. Johnson. 2003. Asian American women and racialized femininities: ''Doing'' gender across cultural worlds. Gender & Society, 17 (1), pp. 33-53 (20 pp)

Stromquist, N. P. 2013. Women’s Education in the Twenty-First Century. In Arnove, R.E., C. A. Torres & S. Franz Comparative Education.The Dialect of the Global and the Local. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield Publisher, 175-200 (22 pp)

Thomson, R. 2009. Unfolding lives: Youth, gender and change, Chap. 3, pp. 29-44. UK: The Policy Press (15 pp)

Unterhalter, E. 2014. Thinking about gender in comparative education. Comparative Education. 50 (1), pp. 112-126 (15 pp)

Wharton, A. S. 2005. The sociology of gender: An introduction to theory and research. Oxford: Blackwell. Chapters 2-3, pp. 17-78 (61pp)

Teaching and learning (142  pp)

Afitska, O. et al. 2013. Dilemmas of language choice in education in Tanzania. In Tikly, L. & A.M. Barrett (Eds.) Education Quality and Social Justice in the Global South. Challenges for policy, practice and research. London: Routledge, 168-180 (10 pp)

Hargreaves, A. 2006. Four Ages of Professionalism and Professional Learning. In: Lauder, P. B., P. Brown, J.A. Dillabough, A.H. Halsey (eds). Education, Globalisation and Social Change. London: Oxford University Press, 673-691 (18 pp)

Kubow, P. K. and P. R. Fossum. 2007. Comparative Education: Exploring Issues in International Context. New Jersey. Pearson Merill, Prentice Hall. Chapter 6: Teacher Professionalism, 209-59 (50 pp)

Lingard, B., Hayes, D. and Mills, M. 2003. Teachers and productive pedagogies: Contextualising, conceptualizing, utilizing. Culture and Society 11, (3), 399-424 (25 pp)

Lewin, K. 2015. Educational access, equity, and development: Planning to make rights realities. Fundamentals of Educational Planning 98. UNESCO: IIEP. Ch. 2, pp. 47-73 (26 pp) Electronically available on IIEP website

Watson, K. 2007. Language, education and ethnicity. What rights will prevail in an age of globalisation. International Journal of Educational Development Vol. 27, No. 4, 252-65 (13 pp). 

Governance, planning and management (229 pp)

Inglis, C. 2008. Planning for cultural diversity. Fundamentals of Educational Planning. No. 87. Paris: UNESCO/IIEP. Introduction, Chapters 1, 2, 3 (47 pp). Electronically available here

Lewin, K. 2015. Educational access, equity, and development: Planning to make rights realities. Fundamentals of Educational Planning 98. UNESCO: IIEP. Ch. 4, pp. 101-121(20 pp) Electronically available on IIEP website

Lewin, K. and R. Sabates. 2012. Who gets what? Is improved access to basic education in Sub-Saharan Africa pro-poor? International Journal of Educational Development Vol. 32, No. 4, 517-528 (11 pp)

Mortimer, P. and C. Stone. 1991. Measuring Educational Quality. British Journal of Educational Studies Vol. 39, No. 1, pp. 69-82 (11 pp)

Patrinos, H. A., F. Barrera-Osorio, J. Guaqueta. 2009. The Role and Impact of Public-Private Partnerships in Education. Working Paper, The World Bank. Washington, D.C. Chapter 3 and Conclusion (20 pp). Electronically available here

Sivesind, K., A. Afsar and K. E. Bachmann. 2016. Transnational policy transfer over three curriculum reforms in Finland: The constructions of conditional and purposeive programs (1994-2016). European Educational Research Journal Vol 15 (3) 345-365 (16 pp)  et al. 2016, pp. 271-278 DOI: 10.11177/1474904116648175

Sivesind, K. and N. Wahlstr?m. 2016. Curriculum on the European policy agenda: Global transitions and learning outcomes from transnational and national points of views. European Educational Research Journal Vol 15 (3) 271-278 (7 pp) DOI: 10.11177/1474904116647060

Stake, R. E. and T. A. Schwandt. 2011. On Discerning Quality in Evaluation. In: The SAGE Handbook of Evaluation, 405-418 (18pp). DOI:

Lauglo, J. 2005. Vocationalised Secondary Education Revisited. In: J. Lauglo and R. McLean (eds) Vocationalised Education Revisited, UNESCO-UNEVOC, 3-47 (44 pp)

Salmi, Jamil, 2002. Constructing knowledge societies: New challenges for tertiary education, 2002. The World Bank, 7-42 (35 pp) ttp://


Total:  1030 pp


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Published Nov. 20, 2017 1:32 PM - Last modified Sep. 5, 2018 12:23 PM