Syllabus/achievement requirements

University of Oslo

Institute for Educational Research

Master of philosophy in Comparative and International Education


Updated May 2009

Unfortunately mistakes may occur in the syllabus. Changes will be announced on the webpage.

Research Methods - course II

Brock-Utne, Birgit : Reliability and validity in qualitative research within education in Africa., 1996. International Review of Education 42 (6). pp 1-17 (16 pp).

Bryman, Alan : Social Research methods 3rd edition, 2004. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Chapters 1-6, 21-22. (170pp).

Chalmers, A. F. (1999): What is this thing called science?. Buckingham: Open University Press. (Ch. 1-2, 4-10, 14-16). (187pp).

Kleven, T. A.(2008) Validity and validation in qualitative and quantitative research. Nordic Educational research (Nordisk Pedagogik), 28, 219-233. (14 pp)

Oakley, Ann : Interviewing women: a contradiction in terms, 1981. London: Sage. In Helen Roberts (ed.). Doing Feminist Research. Chapter 2. (31 pp) .

Patton, Michael Quinn: Qualitative Research & Evaluation Methods. 3rd edition, 2002. Sage Publications. (Ch. 1-7). (427p).

Vulliamy, Graham, Lewin, Keith & Stephens, David : Doing Educational Research in Developing Countries: Qualitative Strategies., 1990. London: The Falmer Press. . Chapter 1. (20 pp) .

Total number of pages 865.

Published Apr. 2, 2009 3:29 PM - Last modified May 11, 2009 3:26 PM