
*er i kompendium

Samfunnsfagets rolle og mandat

Biesta, G.J.J. (2009). Good education in an age of measurement: on the need to reconnect with the question of purpose in education.  Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 21(1), s. 33-46. 13 s.

*B?rhaug, K. (2005). Hvorfor samfunnsfag?I B?rhaug, K., Fenner, A.B., & Aase, L. (red.) Fagenes begrunnelser: Skolens fag og arbeidsm?ter i et danningsperspektiv. Fagbokforlaget, Bergen s. 171-183. 12 s.



Biesta, G.J.J. (2011). The ignorant citizen: Mouffe, Rancière, and the subject of  democratic education. Studies in Philosophy and Education 30, s. 141- 153. 12 s.

Englund, T. (2010). Rethinking democracy and education: Towards an education of deliberative citizens. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 32(2), s. 305-313. 8 s.

Enslin, P., Pendlebury, S., & Tjiattas, M. (2001). Deliberative democracy, diversity and the challenges of citizenship education. Journal of Philosophy of education, pp. 115-130. 15.s

Ezzati, Rojan Tordhol & Marta Bivand Erdal (2018). Do we have to agree? Accommodating unity in diversity in post-terror Norway, Ethnicities 18 (3), 363-384 10 s.

*Habermas, J. (1995). Tre normative demokratimodeller: om begrepet deliberativ politikk. I Eriksen, E.O. (red.) Deliberativ Politikk: Demokrati i teori og  praksis. Tano, Oslo, s. 30-45. 15 s.

Kahne, J., & Bowyer, B. (2017). Educating for Democracy in a Partisan Age. American Educational Research Journal,54(1), 3-34. 31 s.

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Samuelsson, M. (2016). Education for deliberative democracy: A typology of classroom discussions. Democracy and Education24(1), 5. s. 1-9


Identitet og medborgerskap

B?rhaug, K. (2014). Selective Critical Thinking: A textbook analysis of education for critical thinking in Norwegian social studies. Policy Futures in Education 12 (3), 431- 444. 13 s.

Dimick, A.S. (2015). Supporting youth to develop environmental citizenship within: Against a neoliberal context. Environmental Education Research 21(3), s. 390-402. 12 s.

Ekstr?m, M., & Shehata, A. (2016). Social media, porous boundaries, and the development of online political engagement among young citizens. New Media & Society. s. 1-20, 19 s.

Melo-Escrihuela, C. (2008). Promoting ecological citizenship: Rights, duties and political agency. ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies7(2), 113-134. 21 s.

Sandahl, J. (2015). Preparing for Citizenship: The Value of Second Order Thinking Concepts in Social Science Education. Journal of Social Science Education   14(1), pp. 19-30. 11 s.

*Selboe, Elin & S?ther, Elin (2018). ?kologisk medborgerskap: Norsk ungdoms syn pa? ansvar og l?sninger, I: H. Haarstad & G. Rusten (red.), Gr?nn omstilling: norske veivalg (s 183
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Skelton, T. (2010). Taking young people as political actors seriously: opening the borders of political geography. Area, 42(2), 145-151. 6 s.

Sloam, J. (2014). New voice, less equal: the civic and political engagement of young people in the United States and Europe. Comparative Political Studies47(5), 663-688. 25 s.

Stokke, K. (2017). Politics of citizenship: Towards an analytical framework. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift–Norwegian Journal of Geography  71, 193–207. 14 s.

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Erdal, M. B., & Str?ms?, M. (2018). Children’s rights, participatory research and the co-construction of national belonging. Human Rights Education Review1(1), 25-45. 20s.

Starkey, H. (2012). Human rights, cosmopolitanism and utopias: Implications for citizenship education, Cambridge Journal of Education 42(1), s. 21-35. 14 s.

Tibbitts, F., & Kirchschlaeger, P. G. (2010). Perspectives of research on human rights education. Journal of Human Rights Education2(1), 8-29. 21 s.

Toivanen, R. (2009). The politics of terminology: human rights education vs. civic education. International Journal for Education Law and Policy, 5(1–2), 37– 44. 7 s.

*Vesterdal, K. (2016): Human rights education through the lens of violation: Developingcritical, active citizenship or constructing national identity? In C. Lenz, S. Brattland & L. Kvande (Eds.) Crossing Borders - Combining Human Rights        Education and History Education (pp.151-173). Berlin: Lit Verlag. 22 s.



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*Grann?s, J. & Ljungquist, S. (2015). Ber?ttelsen som forum f?r kontroversiella fr?gor. I Ljunggren, C; Englund, T. & Unemar-?st, I. (red.). Kontroversiella fr?gor i samh?llsundervisningenLund: Gleerups. s. 149-167. 18 s

Lars Laird Iversen (2018): From safe spaces to communities of disagreement. British Journal of Religious Education. DOI: 10.1080/01416200.2018.1445617 12.s

McAvoy, P., & Hess, D. (2013). Classroom deliberation in an era of political polarization. Curriculum Inquiry43(1), 14-47. 33 s.

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*R?thing, ?. (2014). Kj?nn, normer og identiteter i skolen. I Stray, J. H., & Wittek, L. Pedagogikk – en grunnbok, s. 599-618. Cappelen Damm Akademisk, Oslo 19 s.

Solhaug, T. (2012). Political alienation among migrant youths: Exploring the mechanisms of political alienation and acculturation among migrant youths in Norwegian schools. Education, Citizenship and Social Justice 7(1), pp. 3-18. 15 s.




Publisert 27. juni 2019 13:44 - Sist endret 15. aug. 2019 14:39