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von der Lippe, Marie og Undheim, Sissel (red.) (2017). Religion i skolen. Didaktiske perspektiver p? religions- og livssynsfaget. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.

Kap 1, 2, 3, 6 ,7, 11 og 12 (100 sider)


Artikler og bokkapitler tilgjengelig p? nettet:

Afdal, Geir (2015). Modes of learning in religious education, British Journal of Religious Education, 37:3, 256-272. (krever innlogging via UiO)

(17 sider)


Everington, Judith, ter Avest, Iina, Bakker, Cok & van der Want, Anna (2011). European religious education teachers' perceptions of and responses to classroom diversity and

their relationship to personal and professional biographies, British Journal of Religious Education, 33:2, 241-256, (krever innlogging via UiO)

(16 sider)


Huseb?, Dag (2014). Tro- og livssynsfag i Skandinavia – en sammenligning. Norsk Pedagogisk Tidsskrift 98:5, 364-374 (krever innlogging via UiO)  

(11 sider)


Leganger-Krogstad, Heid (2014). From dialogue to trialogue: A sociocultural learning perspective on classroom interaction. Journal for the Study of Religion, 27:1, 104-128 (krever innlogging via UiO)

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Leganger-Krogstad, Heid (2007). M?tet mellom fag og politikk i en l?replanprosess, eksemplifisert ved KRL, Acta Didactica Norge, 2007

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Sikes, Pat and Everington, Judith (2004). ‘RE Teachers Do Get Drunk You Know’: Becoming an RE Teacher in the Twenty-First Century',

Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 10:1, 21-35 (krever innlogging via UiO)

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Skeie, Geir (2017). Impartial teachers in religious education – a perspective from a Norwegian context, British Journal of Religious Education, 39:1, 25-39.  (krever innlogging via UiO)

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Artikler og bokkapitler tilgjengelig p? nettet:

Franck, O. (2014). Gr?ns?verskridande v?rden i icke konfessionell etikundervisning: ?mnesidentitet och multidisciplin?rt l?rande i ?mnet religionskunskap. Nordidactica – Journal of Humanities and Social Science Education 2014:1

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Kohlberg, Lawrence (1974). Education, Moral Development and Faith, Journal of Moral Education, 4:1, 5-16. (krever innlogging via UiO)

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Lilja, A. (2017). Teachers’ Experiences of Ethics in Religious Education. I: Olof Franck (Ed.) : Assessment in Ethics Education. A Case of National Tests in Religious Education. Cham: Springer International Publishing. Kap. 4, s. 69-86 (krever innlogging via UiO)

(18 sider)


Noddings, Nel (2010). Moral Education in an Age of Globalization, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 42:4, 390-396,  (krever innlogging via UiO)

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Noddings, Nel (2012). The caring relation in teaching, Oxford Review of Education, 38:6, 771-781, (krever innlogging via UiO)

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Osbeck, C. (2017). Ethical Competences in Pupils’ Texts: Existential Understandings and Ethical Insights as Central but Tacit in the Curriculum. I: Olof Franck (Red.): Assessment in Ethics Education. A Case of National Tests in Religious Education. Cham: Springer International Publishing

Kap. 5, s. 87-113 (krever innlogging via UiO)

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Stern, J. (2017). The Assessment of Ethics and the Ethics of Assessment. I: Olof Franck (Red.): Assessment in Ethics Education. A Case of National Tests in Religious Education. Cham: Springer International Publishing. Kap. 9, s. 177-191 (krever innlogging via UiO)

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Tappan, Mark B. (1998). Moral Education in the Zone of Proximal Development, Journal of Moral Education, 27:2, 141-160. (krever innlogging via UiO)

(20 sider)


Vest?l, Jon Magne (2011). Moral education and the role of cultural tools, Journal of Moral Education, 40:1, 37-50, (krever innlogging via UiO)

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Veugelers, Wiel (2017). The moral in Paulo Freire’s educational work: What moral education can learn from Paulo Freire, Journal of Moral Education, 46:4, 412-421,  (krever innlogging via UiO)

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Filosofi- og livssynsdidaktikk:

Artikler og bokkapitler tilgjengelig p? nettet:

Breivik, Jens og L?kke, H?vard (2007). Filosofi i skolen - en kunnskapsoversikt. Oslo: Kunnskapsdepartementet  

(56 sider)


Helskog, Guro Hansen (2012). Danning i retning av menneskelig modenhet og visdom gjennom filosofisk dialog?

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Helskog, Guro Hansen (2014). Moving out of conflict into reconciliation – Bildung through philosophical dialogue in intercultural and interreligious education, Educational Action Research, 22:3, 340-362. (krever innlogging via UiO)

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Pritchard, Michael (2017). "Philosophy for Children", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2017 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (Red.).   

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Publisert 25. nov. 2018 15:05 - Sist endret 25. nov. 2018 15:05