Pensum/l?ringskrav historie


L?reb?ker og kompendier i historiedidaktikk inneholder studielitteratur som inng?r i begge emnene i PPU (3210/3310L + 3220).

Lund, Erik: Historiedidaktikk. En h?ndbok for studenter og l?rere, 2011. Universitetsforlaget. 4. utg. Kap. 3, 4, 6 og 10.

Grant, S. G. og Gradwell, Jill M: Teaching history with big ideas. Cases of ambitious teachers, 2010. Rowman & Littlefield Education. Kap. 4 og 5.

Phillips, Ian: Teaching History: Developing as a Reflective Secondary Teacher, 2008. Sage Publications. Kap. 6 , 10 og 11.

Artikler og kapitler i kompendiet

B?e, Jan Bjarne: "Kunnskapsomr?der i historiedidaktikken" i ? lese historie, 2006. H?yskoleforlaget. 31-57.

Hicks, David: "Continuity and Constraint: Case Studies of Becoming a Teacher of History in England and the United States" i International Journal of Social Education, vol 20 nr.1, 2005. 18-40.

Nielsen, Vagn Oluf: "Kap. 6 Ungdommens historiebevidsthed og tidsforst?else" i Angvik, Magne & Nielsen, Vagn Oluf (Red): Ungdom og historie I Norden , 1999 . Fagbokforlaget. 103-120.

Stugu, Ola Svein : "Historiebrukens institusjonar" i Historie i bruk, 2008. Samlaget. 124-143.

Havekes, Harry; Aardema, Arnoud og de Vries, Jan: "Active Historical Thinking: designing learning activities to stimulate domain-specific thinking" i Teaching History 139, 2010. The Historical Association. 52-59.

Tolo, Astrid: "Minoritetselever utfordrer historiefaget i skolen" i Fortid nr. 3, 2006. 49-52.

Knight, Oliver: "Create something interesting to show that you have learned something: Building and assessing learner autonomy within the Key Stage 3 history classroom" i Teaching History 131, 2008. The Historical Association. 17-22.

Pickles, Elisabeth: "How can students’ use of historical evidence be enhanced? A research study of the role of knowledge in Year 8 to Year 13 students’ interpretations of historical sources" i Teaching History 139, 2010. The Historical Association. 41-51.

Schnakenberg, Ulrich: "Developing multiperspectivity through cartoon analysis: strategies for analysing different views of three watersheds in modern German history" i Teaching History 139, 2010. The Historical Association. 32-39.

Nichol, Jon: "Simulation in History Teaching" i Teaching of History Series , 1980. The Historical Association. 5-11.

Nichol, Jon & Birt, David: "Ch. 1,2 & 9" i Games and Simulations in History, 1975. Longman Group UK Ltd.. 1-18, 140-149.

Williams, Kat: "‘It’s All About Perspective: Using Simulations in Multicultural Teaching" i History Compass 4/5 , 2006. 933-942.

Friedman, A. M., & Heafner, T.L: "You think for me, so I don’t have to" i Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education vol 7, nr.3, 2007. 199-216.

Sugarman-Banaszak, Caille: "Stepping into the past: using images to travel through time" i Teaching History 130, 2008. The Historical Association. 24-29.

Artikler tilgjengelig p? nettet

Foster, Rachel: "Speed cameras, dead ends, drivers and diversions: Year 9 use a ‘road map’ to problematise change and continuity" i Teaching History 131, 2008. The Historical Association.

Publisert 19. nov. 2015 12:29 - Sist endret 24. mai 2016 14:39