Pensum/l?ringskrav engelsk

Mandatory readings. These are expected to be read as preparation before each session. The students who have English as their only subject choose from the suggested further reading to fulfill their reading list.


Brevik, L. M. & Gunnulfsen, A. E. (2012). Chapter, 1 & 3 Leseforst?else, Lesefaser og Vurdering av lesing. In Les Mindre – Forst? Mer! 8.-13. trinn. Gyldendal Akademisk (pp. 15-48, 111-143). (65 pages)


Chvala, L. & Graedler, A. L. (2010). Assessment in English. In S. Dobson & R. Engh (eds.), Vurdering for l?ring i fag. Kristiansand: H?yskoleforlaget (75-89). (15 pages)

Disse tekstene er tilgjengelig p? nettet, n?r du s?ker fra UiO.

Brevik, L. M. (2012). Feedback: Why it is important and why it is not enough. In Svenhard, B. (ed.). CLIL. Kombinert engelsk- og fagoppl?ring i videreg?ende skole, Fokus p? Spr?k, 28, 132-157. Halden: Fremmedspr?ksenteret. (25 pages)

Drew, I. & Pedersen, R. R. (2010). Readers’ Theatre: A different approach to English for struggling readers. Acta Didacta. (18 pages)

Dunne, M. (2014). Addressing the Cinderella Area: using Masters level study to support Secondary English trainee teachers in developing effective teaching and assessment of speaking and listening. English in Education, 48(1), 93-107. (15 pages)

Lee, I. (2013). Research into Practice. Written corrective feedback. Langauge Teaching, 46(01), 108-119. (11 pages)

Lund, A. (2008). Assessment made visible: individual and collective practices. Mind, Culture and Activity, 15, 32-51. (20 pages)

Norton, B., & Toohey, K. (2011). Identity, language learning, and social change. Language Teaching, 44(4), 412-446. (34 pages)

Tomlinson, B. (2012). Materials development for language learning and teaching. Language Teaching, 45(2), 143-179. (35 pages)

Truscott, J. (1996). The case against grammar correction in L2 writing classes. Language learning, 4(2), 327-369. (43 pages)

Udir (2006, 2013). English subject curriculum (9 pages)

Vogt, K. & Kantelinen, R. (2012). Vocationally oriented language learning revisited. ELT 67(1), 62-69. (7 pages)


PPU3220 – Tilleggspensum ettfagsstudenter

V?r 2015

The students who have English as their only subject choose from these texts to fulfill their reading list. Other texts will not be accepted.

Bachman, L.F. (1990). Fundamental Considerations in Language Testing. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Blair, B. (2013). ‘Reading and writing: Intertwined branches’, in Birketveit, A. & Williams, G. (eds.) Literature for the English Classroom. Theory into Practice. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget, pp. 235-254 (19 pages).

Bredella, L. (2006): The significance of multicultural literary texts for intercultural understanding, in Lucija ?ok (ed.) The Close Otherness. Koper: Zalo?ba Annales. (19 sider)

Brevik, L. M. (2012). ‘Feedback: Why it is important and why it is not enough’ in Svenhard, B. (red). CLIL. Kombinert engelsk- og fagoppl?ring i videreg?ende skole, in Fokus p? Spr?k, 28, pp. 132-157 (25 pages). Halden: Fremmedspr?ksenteret.

Brevik, L. & Gunnulfsen, A. E. (2012). Les Mindre – Forst? Mer! 8.-13. trinn. Gyldendal Akademisk. 1.utg, Chapter 3 ‘Vurdering av lesing og differensiering’, pp. 128-143 (15 pages).

Brevik, L. M. & Moe, E. (2012). Effects of CLIL teaching on language outcomes. Tsagari, D. & Csepes, I. (Eds.), Collaboration in Language Testing and Assessment. Frankfurt, Peter Lang.

Cummins, J. (2008). ‘BICS and CALP: Empirical and Theoretical Status of the Distinction’, in Street, B. & Hornberger, N. H, Encyclopedia of Language and Education, 2nd Edition, Volume 2: Literacy. New York: Springer Science + Business Media LLC, pp. 71-83 (11 pages).

Day (2002). 'Top ten principles for teaching extensive reading', in Reading in a Foreign Language, Vol. 14(2), pp. 136-141 (6 pages).

Evans, L. (2002). 'What is Teacher Development?'Oxford Review of Education, Vol. 28, No. 1

Fenner, A. B. (2005) ‘Engelskfagets utvikling i et danningsperspektiv’, in B?rhhaug, K., A-B. Fenner og L. Aase (eds.). Fagenes begrunnelser: Skolens fag og arbeidsm?ter i danningsperspekti , pp. 85-101. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget (15 pages)

Fenner, A. B. (2001) ‘Dialogical interaction with literary texts in the lower secondary classroom’, in Fenner, A. B. (ed.): Cultural awareness and language awareness based on dialogical interaction with texts in foreign language learning, ECML/ Council of Europe

Fenner, A. B. (2012). ‘Promoting intercultural competence and Bildung through foreign language textbooks. In Eisenmann, M. & Summer, T. (eds.) Basic Issues in EFL Teaching. Heidelberg: Universit?tsverlag Winter.

Hellekj?r, G. O. & Simensen, A. M. (2002). Teacher Education, in Grenfell, M. (ed.) Modern Langauges Across the Curriculum, pp. 170-187 (16 pages).

Hyland, K. (2007). ‘English for Specific Purposes: Some Influences and Impacts’, in Cummins, J. & C. Davison (eds.) International Handbook of English Language Teaching. Boston, MA: Springer Science + Business Media, pp. 391-402 (11 pages).

Hyland, K. (2003): ‘Genre-based pedagogies: A social response to process’, in Journal of Second Language Writing. Vol 12 17–29. (13 pages)

Jones, S. M., Myhill, D. A., Watson, A. & Lines, H. E. (2013). ‘Playful Explicitness with Grammar: A Pedagogy for Writing’, in Literacy 47 (2), pp. 103-111 (7 pages).

Korsvold, A.-K. (1995) ‘Fremmedspr?ksoppl?ring p? yrkesfaglige studieretninger’, in Ibsen, E. et al. (ed.): Veiledning i fremmedspr?k. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.

Larsen, A. B. (2012): ‘? skrive i engelsk og fremmedspr?k’, in Norsk Pedagogisk Tidskrift. 96 (2). (10 pages)

Macaro, E. (2003). ‘Second language teachers as second language classroom researchers’, in Language Learning Journal, 27, pp. 43-51. (9 pages)

Oscarson, M. (1997) ‘Conditions for Assessment in Vocationally Oriented Language Learning’, in Egloff, G. & A. Fitzpatrick (eds.): Languages for Work and Life: The Council of Europe and Vocationally Oriented Language Learning. Council of Europe Publishing

Paltridge, B. (2001): Genre and the Language Learning Classroom. Chapter 1: Introduction, pp 1-14. (13 pages)

Racelis & Matsuda (2013). 'Integrating process and genre into the second language writing classroom: Research into practice'', in Language Teaching, Volume 46 (03), pp. 382-393 (10 pages).

Risager, K. (2006). ‘Culture in Language: A transnational view’, in Andersen, H. L., Lund, K. & Risager, K. (eds.) Culture in language learning. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press. (17 pages)

Ruud, M. (2010). ‘Writing in CLIL’, in Svenhard, B. (red). CLIL. Kombinert engelsk- og fagoppl?ring i videreg?ende skole, in Fokus p? Spr?k, 28, pp. 125-131 (6 pages). Halden: Fremmedspr?ksenteret.

Williams, G. (2013). ‘Novels for teenage readers’, in Birketveit, A. & Williams, G. (eds.) Literature for the English Classroom. Theory into Practice. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget, pp. 163-190 (28 pages).


Teaching resources

Brevik, L. M. (2011). ‘Homeless in America’, in Core English. Basic skills vg1, pp. 25-33 (8 pages). Oslo: Cappelen Damm + where J.R. Bennett from the text is featured on film.

Brevik, L. M. (2011). ‘Photo story: Whose dream was it really?’, in Core English. Basic skills vg1, pp. 18-24 (7 pages). Oslo: Cappelen Damm +  where you can read more about indigenous peoples from the text.

Brevik, L. M. (2011). ‘Hate Crime’(Britain & Northern Ireland), in Core English. Basic skills vg1, pp. 72-79 (7 pages). Oslo: Cappelen Damm + where Colin McCrory from the text is featured on film.

Hemingway, E. (1924). ‘Indian Camp’.

Marvel Comics IPad app. & webpage:  

Master, E. L. (1915). ‘Spoon River Anthology’



Publisert 20. okt. 2014 13:47 - Sist endret 4. des. 2014 21:40