Pensum/l?ringskrav - Andre fremmedspr?k


Benati, Alessandro G. 2009. Japanese Language Teaching. A Communicative Approach. London: Continuum International Publishing Group. Part B og C, s. 59- 200.



Chen, Shen 2008. Issues in the Teaching of Culture in Chinese Language Education. I Duff, P. & P. Lester (eds.) Issues in Chinese Language Education and Teacher Development. Proceedings from the International Research Symposium on Chinese Language Education and Teacher Development, East China Normal University, November, 2007, s. 79-88. Vancouver: University of British Columbia. 10 sider. F?s ved henvendelse til fagl?rer.


Fu, I-Ping P. 2005. Student Approaches to Learning Chinese Vocabulary. PhD Dissertation, Virginia State University. Kap. 2 (Vocabulary Learning Strategies in General), s. 31-39 og kap. 5 (Conclusions and Recommendations), s. 130-142. Totalt: 22 sider.


Li, Song 2006: Exploration of Society as Family Metaphor in the Chinese Culture. Intercultural Communication Studies XV-3, s. 110-124. 15 sider. F?s ved henvendelse til fagl?rer.



Liu, Yuanman & Wang, Can 2012. Native Target Language Speaking Teachers’ Role and Impact in a Non-Target Language Speaking Environment. Center for Teaching Excellence, United States Military Academy, West Point, NY. 21 sider.


Lu,  Xing & Chen, Guo-Ming 2011. Language Change and Value Orientations in Chinese Culture. China Media Research 7(3), s. 56-62. 10 sider.


Rong, Ma 2006. Education of Ethnic Minorities in Contemporary China. Paper presented at the International Symposium on China’s Positive Policies in Minority Education: Plural Perspectives, Dickinson College, USA, April 14-15, 2006. 20 sider.


Zhang, Jianna J., D. Blachford, J. Hearne & J. Xing 2003. Face to face - An interactive Chinese learning model on the Internet. Pacific Association for Computational Linguistiscs. Halifax, canada: PACLING. 10 sider.

Publisert 21. mai 2014 09:16 - Sist endret 16. sep. 2015 13:04