
Engelsk fagdidaktikk H15


L?reboka inneholder studielitteratur som inng?r i begge emnene.

Brevik, L. M. & Gunnulfsen, A. E. (2012). Chapter 2 Strategier for lesing, Chapter 7 Lesing i engelsk, & Chapter 14 Tverrfaglig lesing med engelsk. In Les Mindre – Forst? Mer! 8.-13. trinn. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk (81-110, 198-226, 308-309).

Articles and chapters in compendium


Simensen, A. M. (2010). English in Scandinavia - a success story. In D. Wyse; R. Andrews & J. Hoffman (ed.), The Routledge International Handbook of English, Language and Literacy Teaching (p.472-483). Oxford: Routledge.


Myhill, D. (2004). Making connections: Grammar and meaning. The Secondary English Magazine, (8), 23–26.

Myhill, D., Lines, H. & Watson, A. (2011). Making meaning with grammar: A repertoire of possibilities. mETAphor (2), 1-10.


Ibsen, E. (2000). Ch 5. Meeting Literature in a Foreign Language. An Aesthetic Dimension. In Encounters with Literature, The Didactics of English Literature in the Context of the Foreign Language Classroom in Norway (137-184). Kristiansand: H?yskoleforlaget.

Rimmereide, H. E. (2013). Graphic novels in EFL learning. In A. Birketveit & G. Williams (eds.) Literature for the English Classroom. Theory into Practice (p.131-162). Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.


Articles available in seminar teaching


Hellekj?r, G. O. (2007). Reading: From a forgotten to a basic skill. Spr?k og Spr?kundervisning (2), 23-29.


Fisher, D. & Frey, N. (2003). Writing instruction for struggling adolescent readers: A gradual release model. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy46(5), 396-405.


Articles available online

These articles are available online when you are logged on to the UiO network

Culture, literature and society

Greenall, A. K. (2014). Billie Holiday, authenticity and translation. In A. Arvidsson (Ed.), Jazz, Gender, Authenticity: Proceedings of the 10th Nordic Jazz Research Conference (pp. 35-51). Retrieved from

Kramsch, C. (2006). The multilingual subject, International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 16(1), 97-110. doi:

Byram, M. (2012). Language awareness and (critical) cultural awareness – relationships, comparisons and contrastsLanguage Awareness, 21(1-2), 5-13. doi:



Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training [Udir] (2006, 2013). English curriculum LK06 (LK06, Eng1-03). Retrieved from


Grammar and vocabulary

Myhill, D. A., Jones, S. M., Watson, A. & Lines, H. E. (2013). Playful Explicitness with Grammar: A Pedagogy for WritingLiteracy47(2), 103-111. Doi:

Thornbury, S. (2001). Ch.1 Grammar as process. In S. Thornbury, Uncovering grammar (1-14). Oxford: Macmillan publishers. Retrieved from

Mahan, K. R. & Brevik, L. M. (2013). ?I can English very good? – engelske ordfeil blant norske elever og studenterBedre Skole, 3, 34-39. Retrieved from


Language learning

Cogo, A. (2012). English as a Lingua Franca: concepts, use and implicationsELT Journal, 66(1), 97-105. doi:

Paran, A. (2012). Language skills: questions for teaching and learningELT Journal,66(4), 450-458. Doi: doi:

Rindal, U. (2014). Questioning English standards: Learner attitudes and L2 choices in Norway.  Multilingua, 33(3-4), 313-334. Doi:


Oral skills

Bj?rkman, B. (2010). So You Think You Can ELF: English as a Lingua Franca as the Medium of InstructionHermes – Journal of Language and Communication Studies, (45), 77-97. Retrieved from

Swain, M. (2001). The output hypothesis and beyond: Mediating acquisition through collaborative dialogue.  In J. P. Lantolf (ed.), Socicultural Theory and Second Language Learning (97-114). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Retrieved from

Rindal, U. (2014). What is English? Acta Didactica Norge, 8(2). 1-17. Retrieved from



Duke, N. K., Pearson, P. D., Strachan, S. L., & Billman, A. K. (2011). Essential elements of fostering and teaching reading comprehension. In S. J. Samuels & A. E. Farstrup (eds.), What research has to say about reading instruction (4th ed), 51–93. Newark, DE: International Reading Association. Retrieved from

Brevik, L. M. (2014). Making implicit practice explicit: How do upper secondary teachers describe their reading comprehension strategies instruction? International Journal of Educational Research, (76), 52-66. doi:



Frey, N., Fisher, D. & Hernandez, T. (2003). What's the Gist? Summary Writing for Struggling Adolescent WritersVoices from the Middle, 11(2), 43-49. Retrieved from

Lund, A. (2008). Wikis: A Collective Approach to Language ProductionReCALL 20(01), 35-54. doi:








Publisert 27. apr. 2015 13:35 - Sist endret 10. juni 2015 11:19