L?replaner for engelsk - K06,
Cook, Vivian: Second Language Learning and Language Teaching, 2008. Arnold. 4. ed. Chapters: 4, 6, 8, 10 and 13.
Simensen, Aud Marit: Teaching a foreign language, principles and procedures, 2007 (2nd Edition). Fagbokforlaget. Part 2: Practical Procedures (Chapters 5-12.
Culler, Jonathan: Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction, 2011. Oxford University Press. 2. ed. Chapters 3-4, 6 and 8.
Kompendium i engelsk fagdidaktikk, ILS. Selges i Kopiutsalget.
Artikler i kompendium
Hellekjaer, Glenn Ole: "Teaching LSP: Methods and Misconceptions. Didaktisches Forum" i Fachsprache (3-4), 1998. Willhelm Braumüller. s. 149-155.
Hasselg?rd, Hilde: "Grammar in Communicative English Teaching" i Spr?k og spr?kundervisning(1), 2001. Landslaget moderne spr?k. s. 7-12.
Hellekjaer, Glenn Ole: "Easy does it: Introducing Pupils to Bilingual Instruction" i Spr?k og spr?kundervisning(3), 1996. Landslaget moderne spr?k. s. 9-14.
Lund, Andreas: "Wikis: A Collective Approach to Language Production" i ReCALL 20, 2008. European Association for Computer Assisted Language Learning. s. 35-54.
Solberg, Helle: "Teaching English in a Multicultural Classroom" i Spr?k og spr?kundervisning(3), 2001. Landslaget moderne spr?k. s. 20-25.
Ibsen, Elisabeth: "Ch 5. Meeting Literature in a Foreign Language. An Aesthetic Dimension" i Encounters with Literature. The Didactics of English Literature in the Context of the Foreign Language Classroom in Norway, 2000. H?yskoleforlaget. s. 137-184.
Lambine, Camilla Hoff: "English just isn't a foreign language anymore" i Spr?k og Spr?kundervisning 2, 2008. s. 5-7.
Ruud, Marianne: "The use of young adult literature to enhance textbook reading and course curriculum" i Spr?k og Spr?kundervisning 2: 2008. s. 8-18.
Hellekj?r, Glenn Ole: "Reading: From a forgotten to a basic skill" i Spr?k og Spr?kundervisning 2, 2007. s. 23, 26-29 .
Lund, Ragnhild Elisabeth: "Intercultural competence - an aim for the teaching of English in Norway?" i Acta Didactica Norge Vol 2, Nr 1, 2008.
Lund, Andreas: "The multiple contexts of online language teaching" i Language Teaching Research 10(2), 2006. s. 181-204.
Samovar, L.A. & Porter, R.E.: "Ch 1: An Introduction to Intercultural Communication (utdrag)" i Intercultural Communication. A reader 1994,
Johnson, Keith: "Ch. 15: Tests" i An Introduction to Foreign Language Learning and Teaching 2001,
Council of Europe: "Ch. 2: Approach Adopted" i Common European Framework of Reference for Languages 2001,
Risager, Karen: "Den f?lles europ?iske referenceramme for sprog: Et v?rkt?j med begr?nsninger" i Sprogforum 31, 2004. s. 24-27.
Hellekj?r, Glenn Ole: "Ny engelskeksamen med alle hjelpemidler" i Bedre skole 3, 2008.
Kompendiet kan kj?pes hos Kopiutsalget p? Akademika, ved framvisning av studentbevis og gyldig semesterkort.